我正在使用JSR303並創建了一個類級約束,該約束將表單中的密碼與其確認進行比較,我將在這裏命名@SameAs約束。理想情況下,我希望將約束與預期目標(confirmPassword)相關聯,但顯然封閉bean不可用於提取密碼prop。 - 因此是類級約束。JSR303:嘗試自定義約束衝突與類級關係約束驗證器中的子路徑相關聯
我的問題如下:如何將違反約束的消息與'confirmPassword'字段而不是頂級對象相關聯?我曾嘗試使用javax.Validator.validate(目標上下文)的情況下放慢參數,但添加驗證了@SameAs內的節點會導致在級聯下一個約束的例外(試圖提取confirmPassword - >訂單號碼屬性作爲結果,而不是訂單 - > orderNumber)。
@Constraint(validatedBy = { SamePwdAsValidator.class})
public interface SamePwdAs {//...
//Using passwords in an order doesn't make sense - only for demo purpose
@SamePwdAs(message = "Password and confirmation must match" ...)
public class Order {
String pwd;
//where I would really like to use @SameAs, and associate a violation
String pwdConfirm;
@NotNull (...)
@Pattern (....)
String orderNumber;
public class SamePwdAsValidator implements javax.validation.Validator {
public boolean isValid(Object target, ValidationContext ctx) {
String tgt = target.getPwd(), other = target.getPwdConfirm()
boolean isValid = tgt.equals(other);
if (!isValid) {
//try to configure the context subpath for pwdConfirm to associate this constraint violation with: I tried
//ctx.addNode('pwdConfirm').addConstraintViolation() which doesn't work, as the next validator will
//bump into trying to extract Order.pwdConfirm.orderNumber and throw a NoPropertyFoundException or the like
return isValid;