2012-10-11 38 views



你不一定要使用exec()電話,編造自己svn add ...命令,因爲PECL有這種穩定的PHP擴展 - Subversion。該包裝is here



+1用於避免系統命令。 –


是的,他們很危險。考慮到這一點,爲了在Windows IIS(或其他)上使用'exec()',你需要提供php以完全訪問cmd **! ...你有能力使用[COM Objects](http://php.net/manual/en/book.com.php),這是首選的方法,因爲不允許完整的cmd訪問。由於php是在Unix/Linux環境中創建的,因此我總是努力在Unix/Linux上託管生產應用程序,這是安全需求的最佳選擇。 –


@borislavsabev關於該網站上的介紹性消息,顯示這是實驗性的,可能會改變和使用,風險自擔?我試圖找出它支持什麼版本的SVN ... – TekiusFanatikus





* Runs several SSH2 commands on the devl server as root 
function ssh2Run(array $commands, $catchoutput = true, $server = 'localhost', $user = 'root', $logfile = NULL){ 

    //Open a log file for web output 
    if($logfile == NULL){ $logfile = logCreate(); } 

    //Connect to ssh2 
    $connection = ssh2_connect($server); 
    $hostkey = ssh2_fingerprint($connection); 
    logWrite($logfile, 'Connected to '.$server.', hostkey = '.$hostkey); 
    ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection, $user, '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa'); 

    //Execute the various commands and read the output to the log file 
    foreach($commands as $command){ 

     // Run a command that will probably write to stderr (unless you have a folder named /hom) 
     logWrite($logfile, 'Sending command: '.$user.'@'.$server.': '.$command); 
     logWrite($logfile, '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); 
     $outputStream = ssh2_exec($connection, $command, true); 
      stream_set_blocking($outputStream, true); 


       $errorStream = ssh2_fetch_stream($outputStream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR); 

      // Enable blocking for both streams 
       stream_set_blocking($errorStream, true); 

      // Whichever of the two below commands is listed first will receive its appropriate output. The second command receives nothing 
      logWrite($logfile, 'Output of command:'); 

      //Loop the stream until it is complete 
      while((is_resource($outputStream) && !feof($outputStream)) || (is_resource($errorStream) && !feof($errorStream))){ 

       //Content read out 
       if(is_resource($outputStream) && !feof($outputStream)){ 
        $outputContent = trim(fgets($outputStream)); 
        $outputContent = ''; 
       if(is_resource($errorStream) && !feof($errorStream)){ 
        $errorContent = trim(fgets($errorStream)); 
        $errorContent = ''; 

       //Add the information to the log 
       if($outputContent == '' && $errorContent == ''){ continue; } 
       if($outputContent !== ''){ 
        logWrite($logfile, 'OUT: '.$outputContent); 
       if($errorContent !== ''){ 
        logWrite($logfile, 'ERROR: '.$errorContent); 


      // Close the streams  
      if(is_resource($errorStream)){ fclose($errorStream); } 
      if(is_resource($outputStream)){ fclose($outputStream); } 



    //Return the log 
    return $logfile; 


* List files in a SFTP enabled directory 
function sftpList($server, $user, $path){ 

    //Connect to ssh2 
    $connection = ssh2_connect($server); 
    $hostkey = ssh2_fingerprint($connection); 
    ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection, $user, '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa'); 

    //Create our SFTP resource 
    if(!$sftp = ssh2_sftp($connection)){ 
     throw new Exception('Unable to create SFTP connection.'); 

     * Now that we have our SFTP resource, we can open a directory resource 
     * to get us a list of files. Here we will use the $sftp resource in 
     * our address string as I previously mentioned since our ssh2:// 
     * protocol allows it. 
    $results = array(); 
    $dirHandle = opendir('ssh2.sftp://'.$sftp.$path); 
    while (false !== ($result = readdir($dirHandle))) { 
     if ($result != '.' && $result != '..') { 
      $results[] = $result; 

    //Return the log 
    return $results; 


你有一個小片段能給我一個它看起來像什麼的概念嗎? – TekiusFanatikus


你走了,玩得開心 –


謝謝!我會盡快看看這個。 – TekiusFanatikus