2015-11-01 22 views



var myCommentArray = [ 
     _id: "888888888888888888", 
     index: 1, 
     name: "Perez", 
     message: "First Comment .......", 
     subject: "enim officias", 
     replies: [ // notice this comment has replies (just 1 but it is still an array) 
       _id: "77777777777777777777", 
       index: 0, 
       name: "Reply to First Comment Ines for Perez", 
       message: "...", 
       subject: "reply subject consequat" 
     _id: "999999999999", 
      index: 0, 
      name: "Shelton", 
      message: "2nd Comment....a", 
      subject: "enim irure", 
      replies: null // notice this comment has no replies and as such is null. this is better than an empty array 
     _id: "666666666666666666", 
     index: 2, 
     name: "Perez", 
     message: "3rd Comment.......", 
     subject: "enim officias", 
     replies: [ 
       _id: "55555555555555555555", 
       index: 0, 
       name: "1st Reply to 3rd Comment", 
       message: "...", 
       subject: "reply subject consequat" 
       _id: "44444444444444444444", 
       index: 1, 
       name: "2nd Reply to 3rd Comment", 
       message: "...", 
       subject: "reply subject consequat" 

var stringedArray = JSON.stringify(myCommentArray); 
var parsedCommentArray = JSON.parse(stringedArray); 

$.each(parsedCommentArray, function (i, val) { 
    var currentComment = parsedCommentArray[i]; 
    var commentsFormat = '<br> <div class="comment-avatar media-left"> <img src="http://placehold.it/50x50" alt="avatar">' + 
     '</div><div class="comment-content media-body clearfix"> <div class="comment-avatar media-left"></div><h3 class="media-heading">' + 
     currentComment.subject + '</h3> <div class="comment-meta">By ' + currentComment.name + '</div> <div class="comment-body"> <p>' 
    + currentComment.message + '</p><a href="#" class="btn btn-gray more reply">' + 
     '<i class="fa fa-reply"> </i> Reply </a> </div> </div>'; 


sabio.page.startUp = function() { 
    var myCommentArray = sabio.page.getMyArray(); 

    var obj = JSON.parse(myCommentArray); 

    $.each(obj, sabio.page.proccessComments); 

    $("#submissionButton").on('click', sabio.page.handlers.onSubmit); 


sabio.page.proccessComments = function (i, currentComment) { 

    var commentsFormat = '<br> <div class="comment-avatar media-left"> <img src="http://placehold.it/50x50" alt="avatar">' + 
     '</div><div class="comment-content media-body clearfix"> <div class="comment-avatar media-left"></div><h3 class="media-heading">' + currentComment.subject + '</h3> <div class="comment-meta">By ' + currentComment.name + '</div> <div class="comment-body"> <p>' + currentComment.message + '</p><a href="#" class="btn btn-gray more reply">' + 
     '<i class="fa fa-reply"> </i> Reply </a> </div> </div>'; 


    sabio.page.handlers.onSubmit = function() { 
     $('html, body').animate({ 
      scrollTop: $(".comments").offset().top 
     }, 2000); 


    sabio.page.getMyArray = function() { 
     var myArray = [{ 
      _id: "888888888888888888", 
      index: 1, 
      name: "Perez", 
      message: "First Comment .......", 
      subject: "enim officias", 
      replies: [ // notice this comment has replies (just 1 but it is still an array) 
       _id: "77777777777777777777", 
       index: 0, 
       name: "Reply to First Comment Ines for Perez", 
       message: "...", 
       subject: "reply subject consequat" 
     }, { 
      _id: "999999999999", 
      index: 0, 
      name: "Shelton", 
      message: "2nd Comment....a", 
      subject: "enim irure", 
      replies: null // notice this comment has no replies and as such is null. this is better than an empty array 
     }, { 
      _id: "666666666666666666", 
      index: 2, 
      name: "Perez", 
      message: "3rd Comment.......", 
      subject: "enim officias", 
      replies: [{ 
       _id: "55555555555555555555", 
       index: 0, 
       name: "1st Reply to 3rd Comment", 
       message: "...", 
       subject: "reply subject consequat" 
      }, { 
       _id: "44444444444444444444", 
       index: 1, 
       name: "2nd Reply to 3rd Comment", 
       message: "...", 
       subject: "reply subject consequat" 

     return myArray; 


開發者控制檯是否顯示任何錯誤? – Griffith


是的,它說Uncaught TypeError:sabio.page.getMyArray不是函數 – ranah


在聲明sabio.page.getMyArray之前是否實例化了sabio.page對象? – codemax



.getMyArray()方法已經返回一個對象,你可以迭代。無需解析它,特別是var obj = JSON.parse(myCommentArray);,因爲它不是有效的JSON字符串。您可以只有

var myCommentArray = sabio.page.getMyArray(); 
$.each(myCommentArray, sabio.page.proccessComments); 

感謝格里菲斯,控制檯說Uncaught TypeError:無法讀取未定義的屬性「調用」,我不確定這意味着什麼,我不確定哪些部分是未定義的,如果您有任何其他想法請分享 – ranah


哪裏有你調用'call'? – Griffith


我真的不知道,這是否意味着我正在調用一個未定義的函數?你的意思是調用電話嗎?...我只想要像你一樣擅長這個。 – ranah