class BaseTaskObj
/// @var int $task_list_id The SQL ident of the Task List to use for the Task. {@min 1}{@required true}
public $task_list_id;
class PostTaskObj extends BaseTaskObj
/// @var int $assigned_id The SQL ident of the Person who this task is assigned to {@min 1}{@required false}
public $assigned_id;
class MyTaskAPI {
* Creates a new Task associated with an existing task list.
* @param PostTaskObj $info The details of the Task object to create. {@required title, display_order}
* @status 201
* @return int The SQL ident of the newly created Task
function post(PostTaskObj $info) {
當你知道文檔註釋正確的語法,你爲什麼不使用它們所需的名單? – Luracast
因爲據我所知,我正在使用它們。 – Gargoyle
查看https://phpdoc.org/docs/latest/references/phpdoc/tags/var.html還注意到restler不支持像例2那樣的複合語句 – Luracast