2016-03-30 23 views





import Tkinter as tk 
import tkFileDialog as tkfd 

class AppButton: 
    #simple button construction 
    #create a button with chosen arguments 
    def create_button(self, words, rownum, frame): 
     btn = tk.Button(frame, text = words) 
     btn.grid(row = rownum, column = 2) 

    def create_entry(self, rownum, frame): 
     txt = tk.Entry(frame) 
     txt.grid(row = rownum, column = 1) 

    def create_label(self, words, rownum, frame): 
     lbl = tk.Label(frame, text = words) 
     lbl.grid(row = rownum, column = 0) 

    #input is composed of a Label, an Entry, and a Button. calls the three funcs above 
    def create_input(self, words, rownum, frame): 
     self.create_label(words, rownum, frame) 
     self.create_entry(rownum, frame) 
     self.create_button("OK", rownum, frame) 

class Application(tk.Frame): 
    """A GUI application that creates multiple buttons""" 

    #create a class variable from the root(master) called by the constructor 
    def __init__(self, master): 
     self.master = master 
     master.title("The best GUI") 
     tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, width=200, height=200) 
     self.grid(row = 0, column = 0) 

    def new_frame(self, master, color, row, column): 
     frame = tk.Frame(master, width=200, height=200, bg=color) 
     frame.grid(row = row, column = column) 
     return frame 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    root = tk.Tk() 
    root.title("Button Test Launch") 
    app = Application(root) 
    appbutton = AppButton() 
    frame1 = app.new_frame(root, "red", 3, 1) 
    frame2 = app.new_frame(root, "blue", 2, 2) 
    appbutton.create_input("test1", 0, root) 
    appbutton.create_input("test2", 1, root) 
    appbutton.create_input("test3", 2, root) 
    appbutton.create_input("test4", 3, root) 

這裏是什麼樣子,現在的圖片: Current GUI

我期望的最終結果是有例如「測試1 ______ [OK]」要完全在這些框架的一個。


運行你的代碼,我得到最後一行的紅色背景和倒數第二行的藍色背景。看起來你在測試過程中將'root','red','0,1'改爲'root','red',3,1'和''blue',0,2''改爲''blue',2,2' ,對嗎? – TigerhawkT3




appbutton.create_input("test1", 0, frame1) 
appbutton.create_input("test2", 1, frame1) 
appbutton.create_input("test3", 2, frame2) 
appbutton.create_input("test4", 3, frame2)