2015-08-15 114 views


#1067 - Invalid default value for 'htmlstate'


CREATE TABLE `cms_article` (
    `contentid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 
    `pagetext` mediumtext /*!40101 COLLATE latin1_bin */ NOT NULL, 
    `threadid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `blogid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `posttitle` varchar(255) /*!40101 COLLATE latin1_bin */ DEFAULT NULL, 
    `postauthor` varchar(100) /*!40101 COLLATE latin1_bin */ DEFAULT NULL, 
    `poststarter` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `blogpostid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `postid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `post_posted` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `post_started` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `previewtext` varchar(2048) /*!40101 COLLATE latin1_bin */ DEFAULT NULL, 
    `previewimage` varchar(256) /*!40101 COLLATE latin1_bin */ DEFAULT NULL, 
    `imagewidth` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `imageheight` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, 
    `previewvideo` mediumtext /*!40101 COLLATE latin1_bin */, 
    `htmlstate` enum('off','on','on_nl2br') /*!40101 COLLATE latin1_bin */ NOT NULL DEFAULT 'off', 
    PRIMARY KEY (`contentid`) 
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=503 /*!40101 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 */ /*!40101 COLLATE=latin1_bin */; 

mysql服務器版本? – Jigar


這適用於SQL小提琴版本5.5。 。 。 http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!2/afbbd4。 –


這也適用於MySQL服務器版本5.6.24和phpMyAdmin – Jigar



在早期版本的MySQL,你可以只聲明它NOT NULL

If an ENUM column is declared to permit NULL, the NULL value is a legal value for the column, and the default value is NULL. If an ENUM column is declared NOT NULL, its default value is the first element of the list of permitted values.

