2013-02-17 17 views

我是jQuery的新手。我開發了一個網頁,有1個標題,2個DIVS和2個超鏈接。 我在做什麼是當用戶點擊第一個鏈接時,div的文本被交換,例如第一個div的文本變成第二個的文本,第二個文本變成第一個的文本。下面是代碼:如何使用JQuery淡入div


<h1 style="text-align: center;">Div Content Changer</h1> 
    <div id="content-wrapper"> 
    <div id="contentarea-1"> 
     <wbr><p>Donizzle posuere auctor maurizzle. Phasellizzle uhuh ... yih! elizzle izzle bow wow wow that's the shizzle tincidunt. Sheezy shizznit own yo'. Vestibulizzle izzle lacizzle maurizzle elementizzle tristique. Nunc ghetto i'm in the shizzle sheezy amet erizzle ultricizzle porta. In velizzle boom shackalack, ultricizzle at, hendrerit bling bling, adipiscing quis, shiz. Etiam velizzle daahng dawg, aliquam consequizzle, pharetra shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle, dictizzle shut the shizzle up, turpizzle. Yo neque. Cras lorizzle. For sure vitae erat izzle libero commodo check out this. Fusce rizzle augue eu nibh ullamcorper mattizzle. Phasellizzle fermentum sapien nizzle fo shizzle. Suspendisse mofo that's the shizzle, fo shizzle sizzle, mattis shizznit, hizzle nec, justo. Donizzle ma nizzle porttitor ligula. Brizzle feugizzle, tellizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle ornare tempor, da bomb metizzle break yo neck, yall i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle, egizzle dapibus pede yo mamma dope check out this. Phasellus quam leo, dawg id, tempus izzle, boofron ma nizzle, sapien. Ut i'm in the shizzle magna vizzle ipsizzle. Sizzle ante nibh, suscipizzle vitae, vestibulizzle check out this, brizzle, velizzle. Mauris fizzle tellivizzle. Sizzle fizzle own yo' fo shizzle amet risizzle iaculizzle crazy.</p></wbr> 
    <div id="contentarea-2"> 
     <wbr><p>In sagittizzle leo non nisi. Fo shizzle rhoncus, owned shit malesuada facilisizzle, fizzle nulla ghetto phat, gangster auctizzle nulla felizzle dizzle. Suspendisse volutpat izzle shiz. Ass egestizzle lectus crazy sure. Prizzle consectetuer its fo rizzle break it down. Etizzle bow wow wow, dizzle sizzle amet nizzle owned, nizzle sizzle ultrices sizzle, izzle vestibulizzle my shizz fo shizzle sizzle amizzle sizzle. Maecenizzle hendrerit tortizzle brizzle bling bling. Phasellizzle lobortizzle. Gizzle we gonna chung lacus, you son of a bizzle nec, aliquizzle sit amet, da bomb egestas, augue. Fo gangster. Vestibulizzle ipsizzle pizzle in da bomb ma nizzle luctizzle i'm in the shizzle nizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle its fo rizzle Curae; Ass eu you son of a bizzle eu enim mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa break it down. Fusce est tortizzle, shit dizzle, semper doggy, commodo izzle, nisi. Crackalackin feugizzle, fo shizzle egizzle vehicula crunk, mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa justo izzle lorem, izzle shit mi shizzlin dizzle vitae erizzle.</p></wbr> 
    <div id="clear"></div> 
     <li><a href="#1" id="pg1">Page 1</a></li> 
     <li><a href="#2" id="pg2">Page 2</a></li> 


    margin-left: 150px; 
    width: 450px; 
    float: left; 

    width: 450px; 
    float: left; 
    margin-left: 50px; 

    clear: both; 

    text-align: center; 

nav ul{ 
    list-style: none; 

nav ul li{ 
    display: inline-block; 
    padding: 15px; 


$(document).ready(function() { 
    txt1 = $("#contentarea-1").text(); 
    txt2 = $("#contentarea-2").text(); 
    $("#pg1").on('click', function() { 
    $("#pg2").on('click', function() { 




任何幫助將不勝感激! :)


txt1 = $("#contentarea-1").text(); 
txt2 = $("#contentarea-2").text(); 
$("#pg1").on('click', function() { 
    $('#contentarea-1').fadeOut(500, function(){ 
$("#pg2").on('click', function() { 
    $('#contentarea-1').fadeOut(500, function(){ 



我剛剛使用他在那個小提琴裏有什麼,所以他不會感到困惑;) – 2013-02-17 21:12:44


我明白了別的。我以爲你想切換它們而不是反轉它們......我在那裏看到了「第1頁」和「第2頁」,我認爲你想讓我的回答 – Alex 2013-02-17 21:13:10


中的代碼代表你的代碼,是如果你嘗試小提琴,你會發現divs以display:none結尾:這看起來不是很酷,也許他確實想要在它們之間切換,並且不知道如何解釋他自己,在任何情況下,兩個代碼都適合每個切換或倒置 – 2013-02-17 21:17:21


你必須淡出divs。這東西,你想它沒有改變文本,但div ...



$("#id").fadeOut(500); //where 500 is milliseconds 




$("#pg1").on('click', function() { 
    $("#contentarea-1").fadeOut(500, function() { 
$("#pg2").on('click', function() { 
    $("#contentarea-2").fadeOut(500, function() { 

但我該如何將這個效果應用到我的頁面? – 2013-02-17 21:03:33


只是確保如果你隱藏一個'div',它與另一個位置完全相同......你需要知道的是fadeOut隱藏它就像'style =「display:none」' – Alex 2013-02-17 21:04:30