Boost Bjam有3種不同的命名佈局定義。引用放在Jamroot
# --layout=<layout> Determines whether to choose library names
# and header locations such that multiple
# versions of Boost or multiple compilers can
# be used on the same system.
# versioned - Names of boost binaries
# include the Boost version number, name and
# version of the compiler and encoded build
# properties. Boost headers are installed in a
# subdirectory of <HDRDIR> whose name contains
# the Boost version number.
# tagged -- Names of boost binaries include the
# encoded build properties such as variant and
# threading, but do not including compiler name
# and version, or Boost version. This option is
# useful if you build several variants of Boost,
# using the same compiler.
# system - Binaries names do not include the
# Boost version number or the name and version
# number of the compiler. Boost headers are
# installed directly into <HDRDIR>. This option
# is intended for system integrators who are
# building distribution packages.
# The default value is 'versioned' on Windows, and
# 'system' on Unix.
佈局讓你想命名方案 - 簡單的基本名稱,沒有任何其他信息。
這讓我感到困擾,因爲在SO上查找這裏比在boost文檔中找到更容易。 – iAdjunct