import java.util.Scanner;
public class Library {
public static void main(String [] args) {
* Patron class: name + 3 books
* Book class: author + title
Book TwelveYears = new Book ("12 Years a Slave", "Solomon Northup");
Book Diary = new Book ("The Diary of John Smith", "John Smith");
Book Fahrenheit451 = new Book ("Fahrenheit 451", "Ray Bradbury");
Book Gatsby = new Book ("The Great Gatsby", "Fitzgerald");
Book Antigone = new Book ("12 Years a Slave", "Sophocles");
System.out.println("Welcome to library account management! Here is a list of books to check out: " +TwelveYears.getBookTitle()+", "+Diary.getBookTitle()+", "+Fahrenheit451.getBookTitle()+", "+Gatsby.getBookTitle()+", "+Antigone.getBookTitle()+".");
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter your name!");
String enteredName = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter your first book! Enter it exactly as seen above.");
String book1 = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter your second book!");
String book2 = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter your third book!");
String book3 = sc.nextLine();
Patron patron1 = new Patron(enteredName, book1, book2, book3);
book1 = //line I need help on
System.out.println("Here are the books you are checking out: " +book1+ ", " +book2+ ", " +book3+ ".");
book1.getAuthor(),因爲BOOK1將無法正常工作是一個實例一個字符串。如果那是你想要的。 – Sekula1991
是否指您如何以結構化的方式構建您的代碼以根據用戶輸入的內容來檢索圖書?比如用戶輸入書名或作者是否返回相關書籍? – whitecoffee