2012-09-23 96 views

如果我有一位已經登錄Facebook的用戶,但是從他/她的帳戶中刪除了我的應用,那麼只有在再次輸入我的應用時才提示輸入publish_stream,因爲用戶已經登錄?Facebook +僅提供發佈流


FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) { 
      if (response.status === 'connected') { 
       // the user is logged in and has authenticated your 
       // app, and response.authResponse supplies 
       // the user's ID, a valid access token, a signed 
       // request, and the time the access token 
       // and signed request each expire 
       uid = response.authResponse.userID; 
       accesstoken = response.authResponse.accessToken; 
       SrReferral = '@ViewBag.Referral'; 
       window.fbuserid = uid; 
       var postData = { facebookUID: uid, facebookAccessTok: accesstoken, facebookSrReferral: SrReferral }; 
        url: '@Url.Action("DisplayGolfers")', 
        type: 'POST', 
        data: postData, 
        dataType: 'html', 
        success: function (responseText) { 
      } else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') { 
       // the user is logged in to Facebook, 
       // but has not authenticated your app 
      } else { 
       // the user isn't logged in to Facebook. 
       window.FB.login(function (response) { 
        if (response.authResponse) { 
         uid = response.authResponse.userID; 
         accesstoken = response.authResponse.accessToken; 
         SrReferral = '@ViewBag.Referral'; 
         window.fbuserid = uid; 
         var postData = { facebookUID: uid, facebookAccessTok: accesstoken, facebookSrReferral: SrReferral }; 
          url: '@Url.Action("DisplayGolfers")', 
          type: 'POST', 
          data: postData, 
          dataType: 'html', 
          success: function (responseText) { 
        } else { 
         console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.'); 
         alert('User cancelled login'); 
       }, { scope: 'publish_stream' }); 





如果您在下次訪問您的應用程序之前不想提示用戶權限,則應該定義您的情況(小時/天/瀏覽器會話/等)中的「下一次」設置一些cookie /會話來檢查每次訪問,如果這是提示的正確時間。


FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { 
    // this will be called when the roundtrip to Facebook has completed 
}, true); 

「往返於Facebook的服務器」 多汁部分的FB.getLoginStatus documentation


謝謝,我讀從http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.getLoginStatus文檔/其中一個狀態是用戶登錄到FB但尚未驗證我的應用程序,我認爲其中一種情況可能是用戶登錄,驗證我的應用程序,但是從他的帳戶設置之後立即刪除它,因此存在'else if(response.status ==='not_authorized')'。我不確定爲什麼用戶在刪除我的應用程序時不應該登錄?如果我錯了,請糾正我。謝謝。 – k80sg


@ user415795,好吧,一旦用戶移除你的應用程序,他在技術上仍然是登錄的,但是一旦你知道他不再是你的應用程序的用戶,它應該被註銷(或者提供回去的可能性) 。使用'FB.getLoginStatus'和第二個參數等於'true'將確保從Facebook獲取新的狀態,並且您將注意到用戶沒有登錄到您的應用程序。如果你調用沒有第二個參數的'FB.getLoginStatus',你將得到'authResponse'緩存,這可能不代表與用戶連接的真實狀態。 –