y_i = int(input("What year did your alt history begin?"))
y_f = 2014
p_i = int(input("Enter population of your territory starting from your alt history.")
p_g = int(input("Enter average population growth from year to year in a numerical value. No percentages.")
p_f = (p_i(p_g - y_f) ** 2)/(10000 * y_i ** 2)
print("This is your nation's population.", p_f, "If you got an error, check that you put in all inputs correctly.")
gdp_capita = int(input("What is your GDP per capita? Please use the number only, in your own currency.")
gdp = pop * gdp_capita
print("This is your nation's GDP.", gdp, "If you get an error, please check that you entered everything in correctly.")
「因爲我檢查不匹配的分隔符」:不是很成功,似乎.. – DSM
在您第三行和第四行,則缺少右括號。另外,在'gdp_capita = ...' – BrenBarn
的命令行中,'p_i(p_g - y_f)'也不行,它試圖調用一個整數。你可能會想'p_i *(p_g - y_f)'。 – DSM