2012-01-08 56 views


$number_of_tags = 7; // Number of tags in tag cloud, excluding search box 
$tags = array();  // Initiate tags() array 
$weight = array();  // Initiate weight() array 

// This function generates random tags 
// Not needed when fetching from database 
function generate_tag() { 
$tag_min_length = 5; 
$tag_max_length = 30; 

$letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; 
for ($a = 0; $a <= rand($tag_min_length,$tag_max_length); $a++) { 
     $b = rand(0, strlen($letters) - 1); 
     $tag .= $letters[$b]; 
return $tag; 

for($i=0; $i<$number_of_tags;$i++){ 
$tags[$i][0] = generate_tag(); 
$tags[$i][1] = rand(10,22);  // Font size between 10 and 22, random. Replace with weight from database 
<!doctype html> 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.js"></script> 
    #tag_cloud { 
     border: 1px solid #000; 
     width: 600px; 
     height: 200px; 

    .tag { 
     background: #ccc; 
     border-radius: 4px; 
     cursor: pointer; 
     float: left; 
     margin: 3px; 
     padding: 7px; 
     position: absolute; 
     top: 0px; 
     left: 0px; 
    .tag:hover { 
     background: #aaa; 
    .searchbox { 
     cursor: auto; 
     width: 300px; 
<div id="tag_cloud"> 
<input class="tag searchbox" type="textbox"> 
    foreach($tags as $k=>$v){ 
     echo "<div class='tag alive' id='tag_".$k."' style='font-size:".$v[1]."px;'>".$v[0]."</div>"; 
var boundries = new Array(); 

function checkBoundries(tag_id){ 
var thisTag = $("#tag_"+tag_id); 
var max_top = $("#tag_cloud").outerHeight() - thisTag.outerHeight(true); 
var max_left = $("#tag_cloud").outerWidth() - thisTag.outerWidth(true); 

// propose new location 
var proposedTop = Math.floor(Math.random()*parseInt(max_top)); 
var proposedLeft = Math.floor(Math.random()*parseInt(max_left)); 
var top = proposedTop; 
var right = proposedLeft + thisTag.outerWidth(true); 
var bottom = proposedTop + + thisTag.outerHeight(true); 
var left = proposedLeft; 
console.log("  "+top+"  "); 
console.log(left+"  "+right); 
console.log("  "+bottom+"  "); 

// check curent tags for conflicts 
var fullPass = true; 
     var c_top = parseInt(thisTag.css('top')); // Top 
     var c_right = parseInt(thisTag.css('left')) + thisTag.outerWidth(true);// Right 
     var c_bottom = parseInt(thisTag.css('top')) + thisTag.outerHeight(true); // Bottom 
     var c_left = parseInt(thisTag.css('left')); // Left 
     var passed = true; 
     var height_conflict = false; 
     var width_conflict = false; 
     if(((top<=c_bottom)&&(top>=c_top))||((bottom<=c_bottom)&&(bottom>=c_top))){ var height_conflict = true; } 
     if(((right<=c_left)&&(right>=c_right))||((left>=c_left)&&(left<=c_right))){ var width_conflict = true; } 
     //console.log(height_conflict + " " + width_conflict); 
     if((height_conflict)&&(width_conflict)){ passed = false; } 
     console.log(tag_id + ':' + x + " -- " + passed); 
      fullPass = false; 
      return false; 
    // No conflicts. Move tag to new location 
    thisTag.css({top: proposedTop+"px"}); 
    thisTag.css({left: proposedLeft+"px"}); 
    console.log('moving: ' + tag_id + " --- top: " + top + " --- left: " + left); 
    return true; 
} else { 
    return false; 

// Set textbox to center 
$(".searchbox").css('top', (parseInt($("#tag_cloud").height())/2) - ($(".searchbox").height()/2)+"px"); 
$(".searchbox").css('left', (parseInt($("#tag_cloud").width())/2) - ($(".searchbox").width()/2)+"px"); 

// Start building 
for(var i=0;i<7;i++){ 
     // do nothing 


if(((top<=c_bottom)&&(top>=c_top))||((bottom<=c_bottom)&&(bottom>=c_top))){ var height_conflict = true; } 
if(((right<=c_left)&&(right>=c_right))||((left>=c_left)&&(left<=c_right))){ var width_conflict = true; } 

你認爲哪些行爲不好?另外,你爲什麼討厭空白?它對你做了什麼? – xaxxon 2012-01-08 08:09:44


我不知道爲什麼它會像這樣粘貼,在我的IDE中看起來很好。 我所看到的很糟糕的是divs仍然重疊。 – 2012-01-08 08:11:41


但是代碼做了什麼,你不希望它做什麼?或者你想要做什麼? – xaxxon 2012-01-08 08:12:23


var c_top = parseInt(thisTag.css('top')); // Top 
var c_right = parseInt(thisTag.css('left')) + thisTag.outerWidth(true);// Right 
var c_bottom = parseInt(thisTag.css('top')) + thisTag.outerHeight(true); // Bottom 
var c_left = parseInt(thisTag.css('left')); // Left 



這絕對是一個問題,但仍然沒有解決方框重疊的問題。 – 2012-01-08 23:14:04


是的,你有很多問題。您無法檢查頂部或底部是否位於另一個框之間。如果它完全覆蓋它呢?頂部可以在底部以下的頂部和底部之上。 – xaxxon 2012-01-08 23:57:40