2013-01-15 16 views

我使用的是extjs 4.0,並具有queryMode'remote'的組合框。我用來自服務器的數據填充它。問題是來自服務器的記錄數量太大,所以我認爲最好按部件加載它們。我知道有一個適用於組合框的標準分頁工具,但它不方便,因爲需要記錄總數。 這個問題,有沒有什麼辦法爲combobox添加動態滾動?當滾動到列表底部時,我想發送下一部分記錄的請求並將它們添加到列表中。我找不到合適的聽衆來做這件事。在組合框中動態滾動分機4.0

修訂 找到了解決方案,它是在回答




Ext.define('TestProject.testselect', { 
    alias: ['widget.testselect'], 
    requires: ['Ext.selection.Model', 'Ext.data.Store'], 

    * This will contain scroll position when user reaches the bottom of the list 
    * and the store begins to upload data 
    beforeRefreshScrollTop: 0, 

    * This will be changed to true, when there will be no more records to upload 
    * to combobox 
    isStoreEndReached : false, 

    * The main thing. When creating picker, we add scroll listener on list dom element. 
    * Also add listener on load mask - after load mask is hidden we set scroll into position 
    * that it was before new items were loaded to list. This prevents 'jumping' of the scroll. 
    createPicker: function() { 
     var me = this, 
     picker = me.callParent(arguments); 
     me.mon(picker, { 
      'render' : function() { 
       Ext.get(picker.getTargetEl().id).on('scroll', me.onScroll, me); 
       me.mon(picker.loadMask, { 
        'hide' : function() { 
         Ext.get(picker.id + '-listEl').scroll("down", me.beforeRefreshScrollTop, false); 
        scope: me 
      scope: me 
     return picker; 

    * Method which is called when user scrolls the list. Checks if the bottom of the 
    * list is reached. If so - sends 'nextPage' request to store and checks if 
    * any records were received. If not - then there is no more records to load, and 
    * from now on if user will reach the bottom of the list, no request will be sent. 
    onScroll: function(){ 
     var me = this, 
     parentElement = Ext.get(me.picker.getTargetEl().id), 
     parentElementTop = parentElement.getScroll().top, 
     scrollingList = Ext.get(me.picker.id+'-items'); 
     if(scrollingList != undefined) { 
      if(!me.isStoreEndReached && parentElementTop >= scrollingList.getHeight() - parentElement.getHeight()) { 
       var multiselectStore = me.getStore(), 
       beforeRequestCount = multiselectStore.getCount(); 
       me.beforeRefreshScrollTop = parentElementTop; 
        params: this.getParams(this.lastQuery), 
        callback: function() { 
          me.isStoreEndReached = !(multiselectStore.getCount() - beforeRequestCount > 0); 

    * Took this method from Ext.form.field.Picker to collapse only if 
    * loading finished. This solve problem when user scrolls while large data is loading. 
    * Whithout this the list will close before finishing update. 
    collapse: function() { 
     var me = this; 
     if(!me.getStore().loading) { 

    * Reset scroll and current page of the store when loading all profiles again (clicking on trigger) 
    doRawQuery: function() { 
     var me = this; 
     me.beforeRefreshScrollTop = 0; 
     me.getStore().currentPage = 0; 
     me.isStoreEndReached = false; 

當創建元素,應傳遞ID到listConfig ,我也通過模板列表,因爲我需要它與id。我沒有找到更好的方法來做到這一點。我很欣賞任何建議。

        id: 'testcombo-multiselect', 
        xtype: 'testselect', 
        store: Ext.create('TestProject.testStore'), 
        queryMode: 'remote', 
        queryParam: 'keyword', 
        valueField: 'profileToken', 
        displayField: 'profileToken', 
        tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', 
         '<ul id="ds-profiles-boundlist-items"><tpl for=".">', 
          '<li role="option" class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'boundlist-item' + '">', 
        listConfig: { 
         id: 'testcombo-boundlist' 


    extend: 'Ext.data.Store', 
    storeId: 'teststore', 
    model: 'TestProject.testModel', 
    pageSize: 13, //the bulk of records to receive after each upload 
    currentPage: 0, //server side works with page numeration starting with zero 
    proxy: { 
     type: 'rest', 
     url: serverurl, 
     reader: 'json' 
    clearOnPageLoad: false //to prevent replacing list items with new uploaded items 

+1與社區分享您的解決方案。如果他們幫助你,你也應該考慮加註其他答案。 – sra


發佈您可以實現無限的網格,組合框的列表。 看下面這個例子來實現另一個選擇器:



不適合,無限滾動網格防止選擇......或者有另一種方式? – me1111


你可以禁用選擇,我不認爲你有另一種方式。我的組合框內有一個分頁的網格,我也必須禁用它。 –


謝謝,但我需要選擇,那就是問題......無論如何,我嘗試了另一種方式,不知道這是否是最好的解決方案,但它的工作原理。我更新了詳細信息。 – me1111



Ext.define('utils.fields.BoundList', { 
    ///@function utils.fields.BoundList.loadNextPageOnScroll 
    ///Add scroll listener to load next page if true. 
    ///@since 1.0 
    ///@function utils.fields.BoundList.afterRender 
    ///Add scroll listener to load next page if required. 
    ///@since 1.0 

     //add listener 
     &&this.getTargetEl().on('scroll', function(e, el){ 
      var store=this.getStore(); 
      var top=el.scrollTop; 
      var count=store.getCount() 
      if(top>=el.scrollHeight-el.clientHeight//scroll end 
       &&count<store.getTotalCount()//more data 
        //track state 
        var page=store.currentPage; 
        var clearOnPageLoad=store.clearOnPageLoad; 

        //load next page 
        store.loadPage(count/store.pageSize+1, { 
         callback:function(){//restore state 
     }, this); 


Ext.define('Test.InfiniteCombo', { 
    extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', 
    alias: ['widget.infinitecombo'], 

    * This will contain scroll position when user reaches the bottom of the list 
    * and the store begins to upload data 
    beforeRefreshScrollTop: 0, 

    * This will be changed to true, when there will be no more records to upload 
    * to combobox 
    isStoreEndReached: false, 

    * The main thing. When creating picker, we add scroll listener on list dom element. 
    * Also add listener on load mask - after load mask is hidden we set scroll into position 
    * that it was before new items were loaded to list. This prevents 'jumping' of the scroll. 
    createPicker: function() { 
     var me = this, 
      picker = me.callParent(arguments); 
     me.mon(picker, { 
      'afterrender': function() { 
       picker.on('scroll', me.onScroll, me); 
       me.mon(picker.loadMask, { 
        'hide': function() { 
         picker.scrollTo(0, me.beforeRefreshScrollTop,false); 
        scope: me 
      scope: me 
     return picker; 

    * Method which is called when user scrolls the list. Checks if the bottom of the 
    * list is reached. If so - sends 'nextPage' request to store and checks if 
    * any records were received. If not - then there is no more records to load, and 
    * from now on if user will reach the bottom of the list, no request will be sent. 
    onScroll: function() { 
     var me = this, 
      parentElement = me.picker.getTargetEl(), 
      scrollingList = Ext.get(me.picker.id + '-listEl'); 
     if (scrollingList != undefined) { 
      if (!me.isStoreEndReached && me.picker.getScrollY() + me.picker.getHeight() > parentElement.getHeight()) { 
       var store = me.getStore(), 
        beforeRequestCount = store.getCount(); 
       me.beforeRefreshScrollTop = me.picker.getScrollY(); 
        params: this.getParams(this.lastQuery), 
        callback: function() { 
         me.isStoreEndReached = !(store.getCount() - beforeRequestCount > 0); 

    * Took this method from Ext.form.field.Picker to collapse only if 
    * loading finished. This solve problem when user scrolls while large data is loading. 
    * Whithout this the list will close before finishing update. 
    collapse: function() { 
     var me = this; 
     if (!me.getStore().loading) { 

    * Reset scroll and current page of the store when loading all profiles again (clicking on trigger) 
    doRawQuery: function() { 
     var me = this; 
     me.beforeRefreshScrollTop = 0; 
     me.getStore().currentPage = 1; 
     me.isStoreEndReached = false; 