frmDialog dialog = new frmDialog("Install software", "The software cannot be found. Please select the path of the executable or let the launcher install it for you.");
dialog.SetYesButtonText("Install software");
dialog.SetNoButtonText("Browse for executable...");
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes)
fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
fbd.Description = "Please select where do you want to install the software!";
DialogResult result = fbd.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK) // + space checking, but I deleted it for debugging now.
frmError error = new frmError("Not enough space", "Please select a folder with at lease 22 MB of free space.");
問題是錯誤對話框沒有得到任何焦點。因此,當用戶選擇文件夾時,FolderBrowserDialog消失,錯誤對話框出現在新窗口中,但Visual Studio的窗口獲取焦點而不是錯誤對話框。正如我經歷的那樣,這個問題並不存在於我自己的形式中,所以如果我將fdb更改爲frmDialog,則所有三個對話框都將以焦點出現在彼此之後。
是否要保持「FolderBrowserDialog」窗口打開並顯示錯誤對話框? – dotctor