2014-12-01 164 views

嗨,我想嘗試在裝配x86中做河內塔,但我試圖使用數組。所以這段代碼在Linux中從用戶那裏獲取一個數字作爲參數,然後錯誤檢查一堆東西。所以現在我只想使用我製作的三個數組(即開始,結束,溫度)並逐步輸出它們的算法。如果有人可以幫助它將不勝感激。 `裝配x86使用陣列的河內塔

%include "asm_io.inc" 

segment .data            ; where all the predefined variables are stored 

    aofr: db "Argument out of Range", 0      ; define aofr as a String "Argument out of Range" 
    ia: db "Incorrect Argument", 0       ; define ia as a String "Incorrect Argument" 
    tma: db "Too many Arguments", 0       ; define tma as a String "Too many Arguments" 
    hantowNumber dd 0          ; define hantowNumber this is what the size of the tower will be stored in 

    start: dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9        ; this array is where all the rings start at 
    end: dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9        ; this array is where all the rings end up at 
    temp: dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9        ; this array is used to help move the rings 
    test: dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9 

    ; The next couple lines define the strings to show the pegs and what they look like 

    towerName: db "  Tower 1     Tower 2     Tower 3  ", 10, 0 
    buffer: db "  ", 0 

    fmt:db "%d",10,0 

segment .bss            ; where all the input variables are stored 

segment .text 
    global asm_main          ; run the main function 
    extern printf 

    enter 0,0            ; setup routine 

    mov edx, dword 0          ; set edx to zero this is where the hantowNumber is saved for now 
    mov ecx, dword[ebp+8]         ; ecx has how many arguments are given 
    mov eax, dword[ebp+12]         ; save the first argument in eax 
    add eax, 4            ; move the pointer to the main argument 
    mov ebx, dword[eax]          ; save the number into ebx 

    push ebx            ; reserve ebx 
    push ecx            ; reserve ecx 

    cmp ecx, dword 2          ; compare if there are more the one argument given 
    jg TmA             ; if more then one argument is given then jump Too many Argument (TmA) 

    mov ecx, 0            ; ecx = 0 
    movzx eax, byte[ebx+ecx]        ; eax is the first character number from the inputed number 
    sub eax, 48            ; subtract 48 to get the actual number/letter/symbol 
    cmp eax, 10            ; check if eax is less then 10 
    jg IA             ; if eax is greater then 10 then it is a letter or symbol 

    string_To_int:           ; change String to int procedure 
     add edx, eax          ; put the number in edx 
     inc ecx            ; increase counter (ecx) 
     movzx eax, byte[ebx+ecx]       ; move the next number in eax 
     cmp eax, 0           ; if eax = 0 then there are no more numbers 
     mov [hantowNumber], edx        ; change hantowNumber to what ever is in edx 
     je rangeCheck          ; go to rangeCheck to check if between 2-8 
     sub eax, 48           ; subtract 48 to get the actual number/letter/symbol 
     cmp eax, 10           ; check if eax is less then 10 
     jg IA            ; if eax is greater then 10 then it is a letter or symbol 
     imul edx, 10          ; multiply edx by 10 so the next number can be added to the end 
     jmp string_To_int         ; jump back to string_To_int if not done 

    rangeCheck:            ; check the range of the number 
     cmp edx, dword 2         ; compare edx with 2 
     jl AofR            ; if hantowNumber (edx) < 2 then go to Argument out of Range (AofR) 

     cmp edx, dword 8         ; compare edx with 8 
     jg AofR            ; if hantowNumber (edx) > 8 then go to Argument out of Range (AofR) 

    mov ecx, [hantowNumber]         ; move the number enterd by user in ecx 
    mov esi, 28            ; esi == 28 for stack pointer counter 
    setStart:            ; set the first array the starting peg 
     mov [start+esi], ecx        ; put ecx into the array 
     sub esi, 4           ; take one away from stack pointer conter 
     dec ecx            ; take one away from ecx so the next number can go in to the array 
     cmp ecx, 0           ; compare ecx with 0 
     jne setStart          ; if ecx != 0 then go to setStart loop 

; This is the section where the algoritham should go for tower of hanoi 
    mov ecx, [hantowNumber] 
     cmp ecx, 0 
     jg Exit           ; jump to Exit at the end of the program 
     dec ecx 

    mov eax, ia            ; put the string in eax 
    push eax            ; reserve eax 
    call print_string          ; output the string that is in eax 
    call print_nl           ; print a new line after the output 
    pop eax             ; put eax back to normal 
    add esp, 4            ; takes 4 from stack 
    jmp Exit            ; jump to Exit at the end of the program 

    mov eax, aofr           ; put the string in eax 
    push eax            ; reserve eax 
    call print_string          ; output the string that is in eax 
    call print_nl           ; print a new line after the output 
    pop eax             ; put eax back to normal 
    add esp, 4            ; takes 4 from stack 
    jmp Exit            ; jump to Exit at the end of the program 

    mov eax, tma           ; put the string in eax 
    push eax            ; reserve eax 
    call print_string          ; output the string that is in eax 
    call print_nl           ; print a new line after the output 
    pop eax             ; put eax back to normal 
    add esp, 4            ; takes 4 from stack 
    jmp Exit            ; jump to Exit at the end of the program 

Exit:              ; ends the program when it jumps to here 
    add esp, 9            ; takes 8 from stack 
    mov eax, 0            ; return back to C 

究竟是什麼問題? – Jester 2014-12-01 18:12:18


使用數組構建河內算法的塔。 – 2014-12-01 18:23:03


你有數組或算法的問題嗎? – Jester 2014-12-01 18:31:06




enter 0,0 
    ; address of 1st argument is on stack at address ebp+12 
    ; address of 2nd arg = address of 1st arg + 4 
    mov eax, dword [ebp+12] ;eax = address of 1st arg 
    add eax, 4  ;eax = address of 2nd arg 
    mov ebx, dword [eax] ;ebx = 2nd arg, it is pointer to string 
    mov eax, 0  ;clear the register 
    mov al, [ebx]  ;it moves only 1 byte 
    sub eax, '0'  ;now eax contains the numeric value of the firstcharacter of string