# Creating a dataframe with the form you describe
df <- data.frame(id=c('1','2','3','4'), q_1 = c(1,4,3,4), q_2 = c(2,3,2,1), q_3 = rep(1, 4), q_4 = rep(2, 4), q_5 = rep(3, 4),
q_6 = rep(4,4), q_7 = c(1,4,3,4), q_8 = c(2,3,2,1), q_9 = rep(1, 4), q_10 = rep(2, 4))
# Associating the right answers explicitly with the corresponding question labels in a data frame
answer_df <- data.frame(questions=paste('q', 1:10, sep='_'), right_answers)
# "Melting" the dataframe from "wide" to "long" form -- now questions labels are in variable values rather than in column names
melt_df <- melt(df) # melt function is from reshape2 package
# Now merging the correct answers into the data frame containing the observed answers
merge_df <- merge(melt_df, answer_df, by.x='variable', by.y='questions')
# At this point comparing the observed to correct answers is trivial (using as.numeric to convert from logical to 0/1 as you request, though keeping as TRUE/FALSE may be clearer)
merge_df$correct <- as.numeric(merge_df$value==merge_df$right_answers)
# If desireable (not sure it is), put back into "wide" dataframe form
cast_obs_df <- dcast(merge_df, id ~ variable, value.var='value') # dcast function is from reshape2 package
cast_cor_df <- dcast(merge_df, id ~ variable, value.var='correct')
names(cast_cor_df) <- gsub('q_', 'know_', names(cast_cor_df))
final_df <- merge(cast_obs_df, cast_cor_df)