Public Function buildXAxis(ByVal chartArea As ChartArea, ByVal min As DateTime, ByVal max As DateTime) As Axis
Dim xAxis As New Axis(chartArea, AxisName.X) 'Chart Area is passed into the function
With xAxis
.Interval = 3 'This is the interval, so the next visible label should be 7/1/2013
.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Months
.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.FixedCount
.Maximum = max.ToOADate 'In this instance, it is 7/29/2013
.Minimum = min.ToOADate 'In this instance, it is 1/29/2013
.TitleAlignment = Drawing.StringAlignment.Center
.TitleForeColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
.TextOrientation = TextOrientation.Auto
.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.LabelsAngleStep45
Dim xLabelStyle As New LabelStyle
xLabelStyle.TruncatedLabels = False
xLabelStyle.IsStaggered = False
xLabelStyle.Format = "d"
.LabelStyle = xLabelStyle
.MajorGrid.LineColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
.MinorGrid.LineColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
.MajorTickMark.LineColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
.MinorTickMark.LineColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
End With
Return xAxis
End Function
真棒,這真的很好,非常感謝這麼多! –