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My name is Sruthi Kurada
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I am a 7th Grader at the Advanced Math & Science Academy (AMSA).
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I am interested in Robotics, Math, and Coding. I participate in FLL a Lego Robotics Competition. I do many mathamatics competitions, and I have coded several Python and Java Projects.
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<div class="col-xs-10 text-center" id = "about-descript">
I enjoy designing technology for less fortunate people and recently designed a belt to help the blind. I also play basketball & do karate as extracuriculars.
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<p>My school the Advanced Math and Science Academy is where I participate in many activities with my friends.</p>
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<h2 id = "SkillsTitle">Skills</h2>
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<strong class = "PortfolioTextTitle">Leadership</strong>
<p class = "PortfolioText"> Taught people on my FLL team how to build robots. Also have taught kids how to code</p>
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<strong class = "PortfolioTextTitle">App Developement</strong>
<p class = "PortfolioText"> Learning Android Development and currently working on Udacity Nanodegree </p>
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<strong class = "PortfolioTextTitle">Python</strong>
<p class = "PortfolioText"> Well versed in Python Application Development as well as Django Framework. </p>
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<strong class = "PortfolioTextTitle">Java</strong>
<p class = "PortfolioText"> Proficent in Java Developement. Currently learning Machine Learning.</p>
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<div class = "portfolio-box">
<a title = "Movie App Github Source Code" href = "https://github.com/Sruthik22/MoviesApp">
<img class = "img-portfolio img-responsive" src = "Images/PopularMovies.PNG"/>
<p class = "imagetext">Movies App</p>
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<div class = "project-category text-faded">
Android Development
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An Android app I created that lets users find most popular movies and the top rated movies. Once you click on a movie specific movie poster then it will give you more specific details such as movie title and release date.
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<div class = "portfolio-box">
<a title = "Clash of the Math Titans Github Source Code" href = "https://github.com/Sruthik22/Clash-of-the-Math-Titans">
<img class = "img-portfolio img-responsive" src = "Images/ClashOfTheMathTitans.png" alt="Code of Clash of the Math Titans"/>
<p class = "imagetext">Clash of the Math Titans</p>
<div class = "portfolio-box-caption">
<div class = "portfolio-box-caption-content">
<div class = "project-category text-faded">
<div class = "project-name">
At a Hackathon my teammate and I designed this python game that helps young children learn the Order of Operations by gamifying it.
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<a title = "Battleship Github Source Code" href = "#">
<img class = "img-portfolio img-responsive" src = "Images/Battleship.png" alt="The Battleship code"/>
<p class = "imagetext">Battleship</p>
<div class = "portfolio-box-caption">
<div class = "portfolio-box-caption-content">
<div class = "project-category text-faded">
<div class = "project-name">
The game battleship coded in python. There is both a single player mode and a multiplayer mode. The game also has graphics with the help of the graphics module graphics.py
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<div class = "portfolio-box">
<a title = "Movie App Github Source Code" href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogvRFzNWM2w">
<img class = "img-portfolio img-responsive" src = "Images/BeltForTheBlind.PNG" alt="Picture of the Limits of what a Product like the Blind Belt could do"/>
<p class = "imagetext">Belt for the Blind</p>
<div class = "portfolio-box-caption">
<div class = "portfolio-box-caption-content">
<div class = "project-category text-faded">
<div class = "project-name">
A product I designed along with another team mate that helps the blind traverse their surroundings. It guides the user by using a ultrasonic sensor and alerts the user by using a volume component on the side of the bot. We won 3rd place in ProjectCSGirls.
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