2017-05-13 48 views




如果您願意進行永久數據庫更改,則可以使用Mongodb aggregate method。 但是,您也可以使用此:

//This is what your final, sorted array of blog post objects will be 
var blogPosts = []; 
//Search posts collection 
db.posts.find({}, function(err, docs){ 
    //Sort by how long ago post was made 
    posts = docs.sort(function(a,b){return a.timeAgo - b.timeAgo}); 
    for(var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++){ 
     //Add blog post to final array 
     blogPosts.push({post:posts[i], likes:0}); 
    //Once executed, find likes 
    db.likes.find({}, function(err, likes){ 
     for(var i = 0; i < likes.length; i++){ 
     var index = blogPosts.findIndexOf(function(post){ 
      //Find where in the array the postname associated with the like (I assume this is in your DB) is the name of a post 
      return post.name == likes[i].post; 
     //Add to final array 
     blogPosts[index].likes +=1 

如果你可以,不過,我會建議讓每個博客文章的文件有喜歡的數量,而不是存儲職位,在不同的收藏喜歡。它會讓事情變得更容易。 你有什麼對每個數據庫文件(我相信):

like: { 
    by: username, 
    post: blogpostname 
post: { 
    by: username, 
    name: postname, 
    timeAgo: date, 


post: { 
    by: username, 
    timeAgo: date, 
    name: postname, 
    likes: amountoflikes 