public static void AddTextToPdf(string inputPdfPath, string outputPdfPath, string name, string mID, string dj)
string pathin = inputPdfPath;
string pathout = outputPdfPath;
//create PdfReader object to read from the existing document
using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pathin))
//create PdfStamper object to write to get the pages from reader
using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream(pathout, FileMode.Create)))
//select two pages from the original document
//gettins the page size in order to substract from the iTextSharp coordinates
var pageSize = reader.GetPageSize(1);
// PdfContentByte from stamper to add content to the pages over the original content
PdfContentByte pbover = stamper.GetOverContent(1);
//add content to the page using ColumnText
Font font = new Font();
font.Size = 45;
font.Color = Colors.stringToBaseColor("224,90,71");
//Do Name
DrawText(50, 260, pageSize, pbover, name, font);
//Do Date
font.Size = 16;
DrawText(200, 402, pageSize, pbover, dj, font);
//Do mID
DrawText(180, 422, pageSize, pbover, mID, font);
您現在已將編輯的PDF保存到磁盤。你想下一步該做什麼?發送下載是什麼意思? –
我在想的是不是保存文件,而是修改方法使其返回,在此時我可以將它發送給mvc控制器下載。這將節省我將文件保存到磁盤的麻煩。 – Xerc