我試圖設置我的sum變量在初始化後保持不變,但是當我重新使用num1和num2時,儘管出現了「final int sum」,它仍會重置總和。此外,我不想經歷再製造兩個骰子方法(並且不知道如何)的麻煩,因此使總和不變是我所需要的。難以保持我的變量不變
package crapsapp;
public class CrapsApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = 0;
int roll = 0;
boolean flag = true;
num1 = getDice(1,6);
num2 = getDice(1,6);
final int sum = (num1 + num2);
if(roll == 1){
case 2: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(num1 + num2)+ ", you lost..");flag=false;break;
case 3: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(num1 + num2)+ ", you lost..");flag=false;break;
case 12: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(num1 + num2)+ ", you lost..");
case 7: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(num1 + num2)+ ", you won!"); flag=false;break;
case 11: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(num1 + num2)+ ", you won!");
case 4: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(sum)+ "... you roll again.");break;
case 5: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(sum)+ "... you roll again.");break;
case 6: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(sum)+ "... you roll again.");break;
case 8: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(sum)+ "... you roll again.");break;
case 9: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(sum)+ "... you roll again.");break;
case 10: System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(sum)+ "... you roll again.");
}//end of switch
}//end of if
else if(roll==3) {
num1 = getDice(1,6);
num2 = getDice(1,6);
System.out.println(num1+" "+num2+" "+sum+" ");
System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(num1+num2)+ "... you roll again.");
else if(num1+num2==7){
System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(num1+num2)+ ", you lost..");
}//end of if
//end of else if
else if(num1+num2==sum) {
System.out.println("You rolled " +num1+ " and " +num2+ ". The sum of your two numbers is " +(num1+num2)+ ", you won!");
}//end of else if
}//end of while
}//end of else if
}//end of while
}//end of main
public static int getDice(){
int num1;
num1 = (1+ (int)(Math.random() *6));
return num1;
public static int getDice(int min, int max){
int num2;
num2 = (1+ (int)(Math.random() *6));
return num2;
我應該做一個新的,如果聲明或使用頂部?如果不是,那麼while循環會進入嗎?當我在第一個while循環下創建一個新的if語句時,似乎並不像-1那樣工作。 – briggleshiggle