2013-03-18 143 views


private class applicantInfo { 
    int Id; 
    double quality; 
private class allApplicants { 
    applicantInfo[] applicantArr = new applicantInfo[20]; 
public void newGame { 
    allApplicants applicants = new allApplicants(); 
    applicants.applicantArr[0].Id = 5; 

我在applicants.applicantArr[0].Id = 5;處得到一個錯誤。


typedef struct _applicantInfo{ 
    int Id; 
    double quality; 
} applicantInfo; 

typedef struct _allApplicants { 
    applicantInfo applicantArr[20]; 
} allApplicants; 

int main() { 
    allApplicants applicants; 
    applicants.applicantArr[0].Id = 5; 



什麼是錯誤 – PSR 2013-03-18 05:23:51




applicantInfo item = new applicantInfo();//first create a applicantInfo object 
item.Id= 5;//set the object properties 
applicants.applicantArr[0]= item;//assign the object to the array 





applicants.applicantArr[0].Id = 5; 

您將收到NullPointerException,因爲applicants.applicantArr [0]爲null。 你需要創建一個新的applicantInfo,放入數組訪問之前:

allApplicants applicants = new allApplicants(); 
applicants.applicantArr[0] = new applicantInfo(); 
applicants.applicantArr[0].Id = 5; 



public class ApplicantInfo { 
    private int ID; 
    private double quality; 

    // Constructor to create an instance with the specified ID value 
    public ApplicantInfo(int id){ 
     // TODO: Initialize the value for ID field 

    // Method to get the value for ID 
    public int getID(){ 
     // TODO: return value of ID field 

    // Method to set the value for ID 
    public void setID(int id){ 
     // TODO: set the value for ID field 

    // Getter and setter methods for "quality" 
    // on the lines of the above methods 


public class AllApplicants { 
    private ApplicantInfo[] applicantArr = new ApplicantInfo[20]; 

    // Method to get the applicant info at a given index 
    public ApplicantInfo getApplicant(int index){ 
     // TODO: Get the applicant from the array present at the specified index 

    // Method to add an applicant info at a given index 
    public boolean addApplicant(ApplicantInfo applicant, int index){ 
     // TODO: Try to add the specified applicant to the array at the specified index 
     // Return true to indicate that the applicant was successfully added, 
     // Return false to indicate that an applicant is already present at the specified index 

由於這僅僅是一個骨架 爲newGame方法的結構:

public void newGame { 
    AllApplicants applicants = new AllApplicants(); 

    // In order to achieve doing "applicants.applicantArr[0].Id = 5;", you 
    // need to do the following. 

    // Create a new applicant info with ID as 5 
    ApplicantInfo applicant = new ApplicantInfo(5); 

    // Add the applicant to the applicant array at index 0 
    applicants.addApplicant(applicant, 0); 

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