2016-10-28 15 views



 Memory = "0";  // initialise memory variable 
     Current = "0";  // and value of Display ("current" value) 
     Operation = 0;  // Records code for eg */etc. 
     MAXLENGTH = 8;  // maximum number of digits before decimal! 
    function format(input, format, sep) { 
     var output = ""; 
     var idx = 0; 
     for (var i = 0; i < format.length && idx < input.length; i++) { 
      output += input.substr(idx, format[i]); 
      if (idx + format[i] < input.length) output += sep; 
      idx += format[i]; 

     output += input.substr(idx); 

     return output; 
    function AddDigit(dig)   //ADD A DIGIT TO DISPLAY (keep as 'Current') 
    { if (Current.indexOf("!") == -1) //if not already an error 
     { if ( (eval(Current) == 0) 
        && (Current.indexOf(".") == -1) 
      ) { Current = dig; 
       } else 
       { Current = Current + dig; 
      Current = Current.toLowerCase(); //FORCE LOWER CASE 
     } else 
     { Current = "Hint! Press 'Clear'"; //Help out, if error present. 
    if (Current.length > 0) { 
    \t Current = Current.replace(/\D/g, ""); 
      Current = format(Current, [2, 2, 4], "/"); 
     document.calc.display.value = Current.substring(0, 10); 
    function Clear()    //CLEAR ENTRY 
    { Current = "0"; 
     document.calc.display.value = Current; 
<form Name="calc" method="post"> 
      <input class="intxt1" autocomplete="off" id="ptdob" maxlength="6" name="display" type="tel" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY"><button class="cancel-icon" type="reset" OnClick="Clear()"></button>  
      <div class="calculator" style="margin: 30px auto;"> 
    \t <!-- Screen and clear key --> 
    \t  <div class="keys"> 
    \t \t <!-- operators and other keys --> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('1')">1</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('2')">2</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('3')">3</span> 

    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('4')">4</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('5')">5</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('6')">6</span> 

    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('7')">7</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('8')">8</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('9')">9</span> 

    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('0')" style="width: 166px;">0</span> 
    \t \t <span class="clear" OnClick="Clear()"> 
       <div class="xBox">X</div> 
    \t </div> 




enter image description here



你會使用http://momentjs.com/ –


節省大量的頭痛和測試你爲什麼要添加這個,'TYPE = 「電話」'嘗試'type =「date」' –


你爲什麼使用eval()? –





Current = "0"; - 爲什麼我們將默認值設置爲'0'?它應該是Current = "";

if(eval(Current) == 0) - 我不知道這是做什麼。但是,如果第一個數字是'0',那麼您正在執行if(eval(0) == 0)。即if(false == false)。即if(true)

eval是邪惡的,但如果你堅持這樣做,那麼你可以將該行切換到if(eval(Current) === undefined)

最後,在Clear,Current = "0";-與以前相同。 Current = "";


  • 丟失標題案例var/function名稱。
  • 使用var每當定義變量(除非使用ES6 - 然後使用let/const
  • 不要重建輪 - 利用圖書館已經存在。
  • 使用正確的HTML屬性 - onClick超過OnClick

 Memory = "0";  // initialise memory variable 
     Current = "";  // and value of Display ("current" value) 
     Operation = 0;  // Records code for eg */etc. 
     MAXLENGTH = 8;  // maximum number of digits before decimal! 
    function format(input, format, sep) { 
     var output = ""; 
     var idx = 0; 
     for (var i = 0; i < format.length && idx < input.length; i++) { 
      output += input.substr(idx, format[i]); 
      if (idx + format[i] < input.length) output += sep; 
      idx += format[i]; 

     output += input.substr(idx); 

     return output; 
    function AddDigit(dig)   //ADD A DIGIT TO DISPLAY (keep as 'Current') 
    { if (Current.indexOf("!") == -1) //if not already an error 
     { if ( (eval(Current) === undefined) 
        && (Current.indexOf(".") == -1) 
      ) { Current = dig; 
       } else 
       { Current = Current + dig; 
      Current = Current.toLowerCase(); //FORCE LOWER CASE 
     } else 
     { Current = "Hint! Press 'Clear'"; //Help out, if error present. 
    if (Current.length > 0) { 
    \t Current = Current.replace(/\D/g, ""); 
      Current = format(Current, [2, 2, 4], "/"); 
     document.calc.display.value = Current.substring(0, 10); 
    function Clear()    //CLEAR ENTRY 
    { Current = ""; 
     document.calc.display.value = Current; 
<form Name="calc" method="post"> 
      <input class="intxt1" autocomplete="off" id="ptdob" maxlength="6" name="display" type="tel" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY"><button class="cancel-icon" type="reset" OnClick="Clear()"></button>  
      <div class="calculator" style="margin: 30px auto;"> 
    \t <!-- Screen and clear key --> 
    \t  <div class="keys"> 
    \t \t <!-- operators and other keys --> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('1')">1</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('2')">2</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('3')">3</span> 

    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('4')">4</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('5')">5</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('6')">6</span> 

    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('7')">7</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('8')">8</span> 
    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('9')">9</span> 

    \t \t <span OnClick="AddDigit('0')" style="width: 166px;">0</span> 
    \t \t <span class="clear" OnClick="Clear()"> 
       <div class="xBox">X</div> 
    \t </div> 


非常感謝信息和答案。真的這會幫助我在JS中取得進步。我也知道一些插件和文本框的功能,但在這種情況下我不能使用它,因爲需求是不同的。 – anonymous
