# Example python module
import sys
# Any other imports... imports should always be first
# Some classes, functions, whatever...
# This is your meat and potatos
# Now we'll define a main function
def main():
# This is the code that runs when you are running this module alone
print sys.platform
# This checks whether this file is being run as the main script
# or if its being run from another script
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Another script running this script (ie, in an import) would use it's own
# filename as the value of __name__
import my_module
x = my_module
請澄清 - 是什麼情況你在?向我們展示一些代碼 – 2009-12-18 15:05:14
對於初學者來說,它並不完全清楚你想做什麼 - 你想返回一個在外部文件中定義的函數,返回執行該外部函數返回的值,還是執行外部函數?如何處理一些示例代碼? – 2009-12-18 15:05:24
你用這段代碼得到了什麼錯誤? – 2009-12-18 15:13:49