2017-08-22 36 views

下面的宏用於將一個表格(列可變順序,但列名相同)的列標題下的內容複製到另一個表格另一個現在)。問題是,在嵌入For Each循環的第一次迭代之後,條件「cell = header」不再是真的,因爲「Next cell」顯然還沒有執行。有沒有解決方法,或者我必須完全重寫?第一次迭代後嵌入「for each」循環條件不成立

Sub CopyContentBelowHeadersToAnotherSheet() 

Dim headers As Range 
Dim cell As Variant 
Dim header As Variant 
Dim CopiedHeaders As Variant 
Dim is as Variant 

Set headers = Workbooks("GL audit template 3.0.xlsm").Worksheets ("Sheet3").Range("A1:Z1") 
CopiedHeaders = Array("DocumentNo", "G/L", "Type", "Tx", "Text", "BusA", "Doc. Date", "Amount in local cur.") 
i = 1 

For Each cell In headers 
    For Each header In CopiedHeaders 
     If cell = header Then ' this is no longer true after first iteration of this loop 
      cell.Offset(1, 0).Activate 
      Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Copy 
      Workbooks("GL audit template 3.0.xlsm").Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate 
      Cells(2, i).Activate 
      i = i + 1 
     End If 
    Next header 
Next cell 

End Sub 

會在'Next header'和'next cell'之間放置'i = i + 1'解決您的問題? – RealCheeseLord


不幸的是,它沒有,i = i + 1位於代碼的下方,比第一次迭代後得到的不真實的單元格=標題條件更爲合適 – barciewicz




For Each cell In headers 
    For Each header In CopiedHeaders 
     If cell = header Then ' this is no longer true after first iteration of this loop 
      With cell 
      Range(.Offset(1, 0), .Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown)).Copy 
      Workbooks("GL audit template 3.0.xlsm").Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(2, i).Paste 
      End with 
      i = i + 1 'edited 
     End If 
    Next header 
Next cell 

謝謝帕特里克。不幸的是,行「Workbooks(」GL審計模板3.0.xlsm「)。Worksheets(」Sheet1「).Cells(2,i).Paste」給我「對象不支持此屬性或方法」錯誤。 – barciewicz