2013-12-08 24 views


//This line assigns a random number to a variable. You could also use a timestamp here if you prefer. 
$ran = rand() ; 

//This takes the random number (or timestamp) you generated and adds a _ on the end, so it is ready of the file extension to be appended. 
$ran2 = $ran."_"; 

//This gets all the other information from the form 

//escape User Input to help prevent SQL Injection 
$name= mysql_real_escape_string($name); 
$email= mysql_real_escape_string($email); 
$phone= mysql_real_escape_string($phone); 
$pic= mysql_real_escape_string($pic); 

// Connects to your Database 
mysql_connect("example.com", "user", "password") or die(mysql_error()) ; 
mysql_select_db("database") or die(mysql_error()) ; 

//Writes the information to the database 
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table` VALUES ('$name', '$email', '$phone', '$pic')") ; 

//This assigns the subdirectory you want to save into... make sure it exists! 
$target = "images/"; 

//This combines the directory, the random file name, and the extension 
$target = $target . $pic; 

//Writes the photo to the server 
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)) 

//Tells you if its all ok 
echo "file uploaded in ".$target; 
else { 

//Gives and error if its not 
echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; 

儘管我認爲這個問題是在move_uploaded_file或$ PIC = $ RAN2。$ _ FILES [ '上傳'] [ '名']。請幫我糾正它。


請發表您的表格! –




copy($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target); 

不,告訴文件名爲空。 – user3079404


請發佈您的html表格代碼。是輸入名稱'上傳'? –


非常感謝,形式上存在問題,但如果沒有您的複印功能幫助,就不會發生這種情況。謝謝 – user3079404