主類使用BoxLayout創建一個主面板,並在頂部添加一個工具欄,然後創建一個CPanel對象(具有添加組件的面板)並將其添加到主面板。 CPanel對象也有其組件的BoxLayout。問題是,CPanel面板沒有合併BoxLayout,而只是堅持流佈局。這裏是我的課的代碼..
public class MainFile extends JFrame {
private JToolBar navbar ;
private JButton backBtn, forwardBtn, homeBtn ;
private CPanel content ;
private static JPanel app = new JPanel() ;
public MainFile(){
navbar = new JToolBar() ;
navbar.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(1000, 50));
setSize(500, 800) ;
app.setLayout(new BoxLayout(app, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
app.add(navbar , BorderLayout.NORTH) ;
ImageIcon leftButtonIcon = createImageIcon("images/right.gif");
ImageIcon middleButtonIcon = createImageIcon("images/middle.gif");
ImageIcon rightButtonIcon = createImageIcon("images/left.gif");
backBtn = new JButton(leftButtonIcon) ;
forwardBtn = new JButton(rightButtonIcon) ;
homeBtn = new JButton(middleButtonIcon) ;
navbar.add(forwardBtn) ;
navbar.add(homeBtn) ;
navbar.add(backBtn) ;
content = new CPanel() ;
app.add(content) ;
setContentPane(app) ;
protected static ImageIcon createImageIcon(String path) {
java.net.URL imgURL = MFrame.class.getResource(path);
if (imgURL != null) {
return new ImageIcon(imgURL);
} else {
System.err.println("Couldn't find file: " + path);
return null;
public static void showGUI(){
MFrame Reader = new MFrame() ;
Reader.setVisible(true) ;
public static void main(String args[]){
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
showGUI() ;
public class CPanel extends JPanel {
private JScrollPane scrollPane ;
private JPanel content ;
private JEditorPane demo ;
public CPanel(){
scrollPane = new JScrollPane() ;
content = new JPanel() ;
content.setLayout(new BoxLayout(content, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
java.net.URL text = CPanel.class.getResource("demo.txt") ;
demo = new JEditorPane(text) ;
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Something bad happened with the file") ;
add(demo) ;
JButton demob = new JButton("Button 1") ;
JButton demob2 = new JButton("Button 2") ;
add(demob) ;
add(demob2) ;
CPanel'的'佈局不'BoxLayout'。它是按名稱「內容」的字段佈局,它位於滾動窗格內,但不會在任何位置添加滾動窗格。其他組件直接添加到'CPanel',它仍然使用默認的'FlowLayout'。 – kiheru
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