2016-01-16 87 views


bool changePassword(string& password) 
string newPW; 
int lengthnewPW; 
int lengtholdPW; 
float sizeN; 
float half; 

    cout << "Enter new password: "; 
    getline(cin, newPW); 

    lengthnewPW = newPW.length(); 
    lengtholdPW = password.length(); 
    if (lengthnewPW < lengtholdPW) 
     sizeN = lengthnewPW; 
    else if (lengtholdPW < lengthnewPW) 
     sizeN = lengtholdPW; 
     sizeN = lengtholdPW; 

    half = sizeN/2; 

    if (newPW.compare(0, half - 1, password) == 0 || newPW.compare(half, (sizeN - half) - 1, password) == 0) 
     cout << "The new password cannot start or end with " << half << " or more characters that are the same as the old password" << endl << endl; 

} while (newPW.compare(0, half - 1, password) == 0 || newPW.compare(half, (sizeN - half) - 1, password) == 0); 

return true; 

使用==>爲size_t半=標準::分鐘< size_t >(newPW.length(),password.length())>> 1; 請記住,你可以有一半= 0,這樣一半 - 1 <0 –




bool changePassword(const string& password) 
    for(; ;) 
     string newPW; 
     cout << "Enter new password: "; 
     getline(cin, newPW); 

     size_t half = (newPW.length() < password.length() ? newPW.length() : password.length()) >> 1; 
     // May want to to add: if(!newPW.empty()) 
     if((password.size() <= 2) || 
      ((password.substr(0, half) != newPW.substr(0, half)) && 
       (password.substr(password.size() - half) != newPW.substr(newPW.size() - half)))) 
      return true; // <-- Will you ever return non-true? Max retries? 

     cout << "The new password cannot start or end with " << half << " or more characters that are the same as the old password" << endl << endl; 
    return true; 

這不是檢查密碼的後半部分。此外,它會拒絕所有1-2個字符的原始密碼,即使OP從未提及任何有關該密碼的內容。 – bcrist


@bcrist你說得對。糾正。 –


'x >> 1'用於將'x'減半。不要這樣做。這不是90年代了。 – bolov