由於我沒有找到一個更好的答案,我改變了我的代碼(如解決辦法不幸)解密對象由我自己 - 在聚合完成後使用mongoose加密的代碼進行解密。
大部分的代碼是從GitHub(在我的代碼稱爲decryptOne)採取: decryptSync function of mongoose-encryption
的「棘手」的事情就是解密內查找值 - 內部文件也有「_ct」字段應該解密。
let lookup: { [innerField: string]: string[]; } = {
user: ['bio']
this.decryptAggregation(aggregationResult, lookup);
decryptAggregation(res: any[], innerLookup: { [innerField: string]: string[]; }) {
for (let doc of res) {
this.decryptSync(doc, innerLookup);
private decryptSync(doc: any, innerLookup: { [innerField: string]: string[]; }) {
this.decryptOne(doc, this.encryptedFields);
for (let innerObj in innerLookup) {
if (innerLookup.hasOwnProperty(innerObj)) {
this.decryptOne(doc[innerObj], innerLookup[innerObj]);
private decryptOne(doc: any, fields: string[]) {
let ct, ctWithIV, decipher, iv, idString, decryptedObject, decryptedObjectJSON, decipheredVal;
if (doc._ct) {
ctWithIV = doc._ct.hasOwnProperty('buffer') ? doc._ct.buffer : doc._ct;
iv = ctWithIV.slice(this.VERSION_LENGTH, this.VERSION_LENGTH + this.IV_LENGTH);
ct = ctWithIV.slice(this.VERSION_LENGTH + this.IV_LENGTH, ctWithIV.length);
decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(this.ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, this.encryptionKey, iv);
try {
decryptedObjectJSON = decipher.update(ct, undefined, 'utf8') + decipher.final('utf8');
decryptedObject = JSON.parse(decryptedObjectJSON);
} catch (err) {
if (doc._id) {
idString = doc._id.toString();
} else {
idString = 'unknown';
throw new Error('Error parsing JSON during decrypt of ' + idString + ': ' + err);
fields.forEach((field) => {
decipheredVal = mpath.get(field, decryptedObject);
//JSON.parse returns {type: "Buffer", data: Buffer} for Buffers
if (_.isObject(decipheredVal) && decipheredVal.type === "Buffer") {
this.setFieldValue(doc, field, decipheredVal.data);
} else {
this.setFieldValue(doc, field, decipheredVal);
doc._ct = undefined;
doc._ac = undefined;
那些我得到了我想要的目標函數完全解密後,做的最後一件事是投影想字段返回給客戶端 - 與lodash.pick