2016-12-06 56 views


t.location_id as Station_ID 
,' ' as Trans_register 
,timp.hose_num as Trans_Pump 
,t.invoice as Trans_Receipt 
,t.pos_date as Trans_Date_Time 
,' ' as Trans_Batch 
,' ' as Trans_Batch_Sequence 
WHEN im.org_id = 125 and l.chain_id = 10 THEN "EC" 
WHEN im.org_id = 125 and l.chain_id <> 10 THEN "ER" 
WHEN im.org_id = 165 and l.chain_id = 10 and t.stmt_id <> -4 THEN "DC" 
WHEN im.org_id = 165 and l.chain_id = 10 and t.stmt_id = -4 THEN "IC" 
WHEN im.org_id = 165 and l.chain_id <> 10 and t.stmt_id <> -4 THEN "DR" 
WHEN im.org_id = 165 and l.chain_id <> 10 and t.stmt_id = -4 THEN "IR" 
ELSE "EC" END as Trans_Origin 
,t.trans_date as Trans_Process_Date_Time 
WHEN l.chain_Id <> 10 then t.pref_total 
ELSE 0 END as Trans_Amount 
WHEN l.chain_id <> 10 THEN tltg.amount 
ELSE 0 END as Trans_GST_Amount 
WHEN l.chain_id <> 10 THEN tltp.amount 
ELSE 0 END as Trans_PST_Amount 
,' ' as Loyalty_Program 
,' ' as Loyalty_Account_Number 
,' ' as Loyalty_Fee 
WHEN l.chain_Id <> 10 then t.pref_total 
ELSE 0 END as Trans_Loyalty_Amount 

,tl.line_id + 1 as Product_Sequence 
WHEN tl.cat in ("DEF","DEFD") then 4194304 
--DEV need to add that if it's not DEF, DEFD and fuel type is 0 using the tl.cat but that wasn't working for me...need smarties to do that! 
ELSE tl.fuel_type end as Product_Code 
,tl.qty as Product_Qty --will always be Litres since Canada 
WHEN l.chain_id <> 10 then tl.amt else 0 end as Product_Amount 
,' ' as Product_Loyalty_Amount 
,tltf.amount as Product_FET_Amount 
,tltf.tax_rate as Product_FET_Unit_Amount 
WHEN l.chain_id <> 10 THEN tltg.amount 
ELSE 0 END as Product_GST_Amount 
WHEN l.chain_id <> 10 THEN tltg.tax_rate 
ELSE 0 END as Product_GST_Unit_Amount 
,tltpf.amount as Product_PFT_Amount 
,tltpf.tax_rate as Product_PFT_Unit_Amount 
WHEN l.chain_id <> 10 THEN tltp.amount 
ELSE 0 END as Product_PST_Amount 
WHEN l.chain_id <> 10 THEN tltp.tax_rate 
ELSE 0 END as Product_PST_Unit_Amount 
,tltv.amount as Product_MFT_Amount 
,tltv.tax_rate as Product_MFT_Unit_Amount 

,tl.line_id + 1 as Tender_Sequence 
,t.Carrier_Id as Tender_Account 
,' ' as Tender_Unit_Card_Number 
WHEN im.org_id = 165 then "19" ELSE "18" END as Tender_Type 
WHEN l.chain_Id <> 10 then t.pref_total 
ELSE 0 END as Tedner_Amount 
,' ' as Tender_Fee_Amt 
,ca.expiredate as Tender_Exp_date 
,t.auth_code as Authorization_Code 
,CASE WHEN t.extra_3 in (3,7) then "N" else "Y" END as Authorization_Method 
,' ' as Fi_Termid 
,' ' as Fi_Sequence 
,tiu.info as Unit_Number 
,tio.info as Odometer_Number 
,tid.info as Driver_Number 
,tip.info as Trip_Number 
,' ' as Reference_Number 
,tit.info as Trailer_Number 
,' ' as Trailer_Hub 
,tihb.info as Tractor_Hub 
,' ' as Check_Digit 
,' ' as FI_Response_Code 
,left(t.card_num,6) as FI_ISO_Code 

transaction as t 

left outer join 
trans_imperial as timp 
on t.trans_id = timp.trans_id 
left outer join location as l 
    on t.location_id = l.location_id 
left outer join contract as c 
    on t.contract_id = c.contract_id 
left outer join issuer_misc as im 
on c.issuer_id = im.issuer_id 
left outer join trans_line_tax as tltg 
on t.trans_id = tltg.trans_id 
and tltg.tax_cd IN ("GST","HST","FNT") and tltg.gross_net_flag = "N" and tltg.exempt_flag = "N" 
left outer join trans_line_tax as tltp 
on t.trans_id = tltp.trans_id 
and tltp.tax_cd IN ("PST","QST") and tltp.gross_net_flag = "N" and tltp.exempt_flag = "N" 
left outer join trans_line as tl 
on t.trans_id = tl.trans_id 

left outer join trans_line_tax as tltf 
on t.trans_id = tltf.trans_id 
and tltf.tax_cd = "FET" and tltf.gross_net_flag = "N" and tltf.exempt_flag = "N" 

left outer join trans_line_tax as tltpf 
on t.trans_id = tltpf.trans_id 
and tltpf.tax_cd = "PFT" and tltpf.gross_net_flag = "N" and tltpf.exempt_flag = "N" 

left outer join trans_line_tax as tltv 
on t.trans_id = tltv.trans_id 
and tltv.tax_cd = "VTT" and tltv.gross_net_flag = "N" and tltv.exempt_flag = "N" 

left outer join cards as ca 
on t.card_num = ca.card_num 

left outer join trans_info as tiu 
on t.trans_id = tiu.trans_id 
and tiu.type = "UNIT" 

left outer join trans_info as tio 
on t.trans_id = tio.trans_id 
and tio.type = "ODRD" 

left outer join trans_info as tid 
on t.trans_id = tid.trans_id 
and tid.type = "DRID" 

left outer join trans_info as tip 
on t.trans_id = tip.trans_id 
and tip.type = "TRIP" 

left outer join trans_info as tit 
on t.trans_id = tit.trans_id 
and tit.type = "TRLR" 

left outer join trans_info as tihb 
on t.trans_id = tihb.trans_id 
and tihb.type = "HBRD" 

t.extra_5 = 20161204 
and l.src_country = "CAN" 

執行時,上面的查詢提供瞭如下結果: enter image description here


<?xml version=」1.0」 encoding=」UTF-16」 standalone=」yes」?> 
<Loyalty_Account_Number>7076101117512061 </Loyalty_Account_Number> 
<FI_Response_Code></FI_Response_Code > 
<FI_ISO_Code></FI_ISO_Code > 

我怎樣才能在SQL行轉換成具有標籤的XML格式的文件?我嘗試添加FOR XML條款,但我沒有成功。


在哪些方面你有沒有成功? – DeanOC


我已經嘗試在上述查詢中的where子句之後添加FOR XML PATH子句,但這沒有幫助。 – Newbee


像「沒有成功」和「沒有幫助」的短語不會給我們太多的繼續。如果你能提供發生的事情的細節,你更有可能找人幫助你。例如。 「我嘗試添加FOR XML子句,但它對輸出沒有任何影響」或「我嘗試添加FOR XML子句,但出現錯誤,錯誤消息是......」 – DeanOC



再次查看FOR XML結構。在這裏有很多非常好的例子。您的最後一條評論正處於正確的軌道上,如果將它放在WHERE子句之後,FOR XML PATH將適用於此目的。

SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 
FROM Table1 
WHERE Field1 = SomeValue 

