2017-10-05 30 views


import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile) 
import Control.Monad.Free 
import Data.Functor.Sum 

data FileSystemF a 
    = ReadFile FilePath (String -> a) 
    | WriteFile FilePath String a 
    deriving (Functor) 

data ConsoleF a 
    = WriteLine String a 
    deriving (Functor) 

data CloudF a 
    = GetStackInfo String (String -> a) 
    deriving (Functor) 

type App = Free (Sum FileSystemF (Sum ConsoleF CloudF)) 

readFile :: FilePath -> App String 
readFile path = liftF (InL (ReadFile path id)) 

writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> App() 
writeFile path contents = liftF (InL (WriteFile path contents())) 


writeLine :: String -> App() 
writeLine line = liftF (InR (WriteLine line())) 


writeLine :: String -> App() 
writeLine line = liftF (InR (InL (WriteLine line()))) 


/private/tmp/free-sandbox/src/FreeSandbox.hs:26:27: error: 
    • Couldn't match type ‘ConsoleF’ with ‘Sum ConsoleF CloudF’ 
     arising from a functional dependency between constraints: 
      (Sum FileSystemF (Sum ConsoleF CloudF)) 
      (Free (Sum FileSystemF (Sum ConsoleF CloudF)))’ 
      arising from a use of ‘liftF’ at src/FreeSandbox.hs:26:27-66 
      (Sum FileSystemF ConsoleF) 
      (Free (Sum FileSystemF (Sum ConsoleF CloudF)))’ 
      arising from a use of ‘liftF’ at src/FreeSandbox.hs:29:18-48 
    • In the expression: liftF (InL (WriteFile path contents())) 
     In an equation for ‘writeFile’: 
      writeFile path contents = liftF (InL (WriteFile path contents())) 
26 | writeFile path contents = liftF (InL (WriteFile path contents())) 
    |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

/private/tmp/free-sandbox/src/FreeSandbox.hs:29:18: error: 
    • Couldn't match type ‘Sum ConsoleF CloudF’ with ‘ConsoleF’ 
     arising from a functional dependency between: 
      constraint ‘MonadFree 
         (Sum FileSystemF ConsoleF) 
         (Free (Sum FileSystemF (Sum ConsoleF CloudF)))’ 
      arising from a use of ‘liftF’ 
      instance ‘MonadFree f (Free f)’ at <no location info> 
    • In the expression: liftF (InR (WriteLine line())) 
     In an equation for ‘writeLine’: 
      writeLine line = liftF (InR (WriteLine line())) 
29 | writeLine line = liftF (InR (WriteLine line())) 
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

兩個誤差的第二(所述一個上線29)是有意義的。這是我期望的錯誤。但是第26行的錯誤完全讓我感到困惑。 writeFile的定義是正確的!添加我的writeLine的錯誤定義不應該對writeFile有任何影響,對吧?這是怎麼回事?

我能夠在GHC 8.0.2和GHC 8.2.1上重現這一點。我想知道這是否是GHC中的錯誤(所以我可以報告它),或者如果這是我的代碼的問題,我不明白。


哦,這是一個偉大的。注意,如果你把錯誤的'writeLine'定義放在其他定義之後,那麼可疑的錯誤就會消失。 :) – Alec


我已打開[GHC Trac#14327](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14327)來跟蹤此問題。 –


這個問題似乎與FD有關,因爲專門研究'liftF':: Functor f => f a - > Free f a'擺脫了額外的錯誤。也許我錯過了一些東西。 – Alec

