2016-08-07 72 views




Terry : It wasn't Carl, It was Steve 
Steve : It wasn't Matt, It wasn't Carl 
Matt : It was Carl, It wasn't Terry 
Ben : It was Matt, It was Steve 
Carl : It was Ben, It wasn't Terry 

測謊儀顯示, 每個可疑告訴一個謊言,一個道理。誰犯了罪?


(define (oneof a b) 
    (or (and a (not b)) (and b (not a)))) 

(for ((i 5)) 
    (define templist (list #f #f #f #f #f)) ; make a temporary list of all false; 
    (set! templist (list-set templist i #t)) ; one by one keep one as true in this loop; 
    (define t (list-ref templist 0)) ; allocate each person according to above list (one kept true one by one) 
    (define s (list-ref templist 1)) 
    (define m (list-ref templist 2)) 
    (define b (list-ref templist 3)) 
    (define c (list-ref templist 4)) 

    (when        ; test if all statements fit with above assignment: 
    (oneof (not c) s)    ; Terry's statement 
    (oneof (not m) (not c))  ; Steve's statement 
    (oneof c (not t))    ; Matt's statement 
    (oneof m s)     ; Ben's statement 
    (oneof b (not t)))    ; Carl's statement 
    (println (list "t" "s" "m" "b" "c")) ; print allocation if all statement fit in; 
    (println templist))) 


'("t" "s" "m" "b" "c") 
'(#f #f #t #f #f) 



代碼檢查SO將會更適合。 – Sylwester



這是寫在慣用的球拍同等計劃 - 並避免那些討厭的set!list-ref這是寫函數式代碼時皺眉:

; generate a matrix with possibilities 
(define (make-matrix n) 
    (for/list [(i (in-range n))] 
    (build-list n (λ (j) (= i j))))) 

; iterate over each row 
(for [(row (make-matrix 5))] 
    ; unpack each row into the corresponding variables 
    (match-let ([(list t s m b c) row]) 
    ; don't reinvent the wheel, `oneof` is called `xor` 
    (when (and (xor (not c) s) 
       (xor (not m) (not c)) 
       (xor c (not t)) 
       (xor m s) 
       (xor b (not t))) 
     (println '(t s m b c)) 
     (println row)))) 

這裏有很多新的功能對我來說! – rnso


研究文檔,你會發現你在命令式代碼中使用的所有東西在功能代碼中都有更好,更等效的功能代碼 –


甚至更​​習慣的解決方案將使用'for/list'而不是'for','cond'而不是'when',返回'row'而不是打印它,並且如果條件不滿足則返回false,這樣在整個事件周圍的一個'(過濾器標識...)'返回所有有效的可能性。 –




@Oscar Lopez的make-matrix函數產生了一個初始的可能性列表,但我們必須過濾掉那些不可能的,並且只留下那些可能的。所以,把它寫下來:

;; If there are no valid solutions, this will be an empty list, 
;; if there's one, this will be a list of one element, 
;; and if there are more, this will include all of them. 
(filter valid-solution? (make-matrix 5)) 

;; Wish list: 
;; valid-solution? : (Listof Boolean) -> Boolean 


;; valid-solution? : (Listof Boolean) -> Boolean 
;; Given a list containing booleans for whether Terry, Steve, Matt, Ben, and Carl did it, 
;; this determines whether that combination is possible under the constraints in the problem. 
(define (valid-solution? row) 
    ; unpack each row into the corresponding variables 
    (match-define (list t s m b c) row) 
    ; don't reinvent the wheel, `oneof` is called `xor` 
    (and (xor (not c) s) 
     (xor (not m) (not c)) 
     (xor c (not t)) 
     (xor m s) 
     (xor b (not t)))) 


#lang racket 

;; make-matrix : Natural -> (Listof (Listof Boolean)) 
;; generate a matrix with possibilities 
(define (make-matrix n) 
    (for/list ([i (in-range n)]) 
    (build-list n (λ (j) (= i j))))) 

;; valid-solution? : (Listof Boolean) -> Boolean 
;; Given a list containing booleans for whether Terry, Steve, Matt, Ben, and Carl did it, 
;; this determines whether that combination is possible under the constraints in the problem. 
(define (valid-solution? row) 
    ; unpack each row into the corresponding variables 
    (match-define (list t s m b c) row) 
    ; don't reinvent the wheel, `oneof` is called `xor` 
    (and (xor (not c) s) 
     (xor (not m) (not c)) 
     (xor c (not t)) 
     (xor m s) 
     (xor b (not t)))) 

;; If there are no valid solutions, this will be an empty list, 
;; if there's one, this will be a list of one element, 
;; and if there are more, this will include all of them. 
(filter valid-solution? (make-matrix 5)) 

偉大的功能解決方案。 – rnso