2015-02-08 31 views

我試圖打開並解析一個html頁面。在蟒蛇2.7.8我沒有問題:Python 3.4 url​​lib.request錯誤(http 403)

import urllib 
url = "https://ipdb.at/ip/" 
html = urllib.urlopen(url).read() 

和一切都很好。不過,我想移動到Python 3.4,那裏我得到HTTP錯誤403(禁止)。我的代碼:

import urllib.request 
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url) # same URL as before 

File "C:\Python34\lib\urllib\request.py", line 153, in urlopen 
return opener.open(url, data, timeout) 
File "C:\Python34\lib\urllib\request.py", line 461, in open 
response = meth(req, response) 
File "C:\Python34\lib\urllib\request.py", line 574, in http_response 
'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs) 
File "C:\Python34\lib\urllib\request.py", line 499, in error 
return self._call_chain(*args) 
File "C:\Python34\lib\urllib\request.py", line 433, in _call_chain 
result = func(*args) 
File "C:\Python34\lib\urllib\request.py", line 582, in http_error_default 
raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp) 
urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden 


url = 'http://www.stopforumspam.com/ipcheck/' 



參見https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3336549/pythons-urllib2-why-do-i-get-error -403-when-i-urlopen-a-wikipedia- – Trilarion 2017-12-10 20:48:55



看起來這個網站並不喜歡Python 3.x的用戶代理。


import urllib.request 
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) 
html = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read() 

注意的Python 2.x的版本的urllib還接收403個狀態,但不同的Python 2.x中的urllib2和Python 3.X的urllib,它不會提高例外。


print(urllib.urlopen(url).getcode()) # => 403 

謝謝。有效! – Belial 2015-02-08 16:49:12


謝謝!爲我工作 – DenisFLASH 2015-08-27 10:20:55


不工作..仍然禁止 – Martian2049 2017-05-11 15:39:45




import urllib.request as urlRequest 
import urllib.parse as urlParse 


url = "http://www.example.net" 
# open the url 
x = urlRequest.urlopen(url) 
# get the source code 
sourceCode = x.read() 


url = "https://www.example.com" 
values = {"q": "python if"} 
# encode values for the url 
values = urlParse.urlencode(values) 
# encode the values in UTF-8 format 
values = values.encode("UTF-8") 
# create the url 
targetUrl = urlRequest.Request(url, values) 
# open the url 
x = urlRequest.urlopen(targetUrl) 
# get the source code 
sourceCode = x.read() 

如何使POST請求(403 forbidden響應):

url = "https://www.example.com" 
values = {"q": "python urllib"} 
# pretend to be a chrome 47 browser on a windows 10 machine 
headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36"} 
# encode values for the url 
values = urlParse.urlencode(values) 
# encode the values in UTF-8 format 
values = values.encode("UTF-8") 
# create the url 
targetUrl = urlRequest.Request(url = url, data = values, headers = headers) 
# open the url 
x = urlRequest.urlopen(targetUrl) 
# get the source code 
sourceCode = x.read() 

如何使一個GET請求(403 forbidden響應):

url = "https://www.example.com" 
# pretend to be a chrome 47 browser on a windows 10 machine 
headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36"} 
req = urlRequest.Request(url, headers = headers) 
# open the url 
x = urlRequest.urlopen(req) 
# get the source code 
sourceCode = x.read() 

我對我的舊回答中的錯誤表示歉意,我已經做了一些調查並修正了這些錯誤。這些錯誤激勵我回去檢查我的筆記是否正確:D – 2016-04-10 17:19:19


爲什麼它在沒有任何問題的情況下爲第二個鏈接工作? – Sudheer1990 2016-10-17 11:03:13