2012-11-26 39 views


import os,fnmatch,linecache,csv 
from openpyxl import Workbook 

wb = Workbook() 
ws = wb.worksheets[0] 
ws.title = "Sheet1" 

def batch_processing(file_name): 
    row_count = sum(1 for row in csv.reader(open(file_name))) 
     for row in xrange(1,row_count): 

      data = linecache.getline(file_name, row) 
      print data.strip().split()[1] 
      print data 
      ws.cell("A"+str(row)).value = float(data.strip().split()[0]) 
      ws.cell("B"+str(row)).value = float(data.strip().split()[1]) 

     print file_name 
     wb.save(filename = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]+".xlsx") 
    except IndexError: 

workingdir = "C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\P22_PC" 
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(workingdir): 
    for file_name in fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*_Cs.xy"): 



有什麼建議嗎? – groovyrv


我不確定'linecache'是如何工作的 - 它會使用'sum'中以前打開和關閉的file_name的數據嗎?或者它打開文件只是一次或每行都必須重新打開文件? – Aprillion




def batch_processing(file_name): 

    # Using 'with' is a better way to open files - it ensures they are 
    # properly closed, etc. when you leave the code block 
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f: 
     reader = csv.reader(f) 
     # row_count = sum(1 for row in csv.reader(open(file_name))) 
     # ^^^You actually don't need to do this at all (though it is clever :) 
     # You are using it now to govern the loop, but the more Pythonic way is 
     # to do it as follows 
     for line_no, line in enumerate(reader): 
      # Split the line and create two variables that will hold val1 and val2 
      val1, val2 = line 
      print val1, val2 # You can also remove this - printing takes time too 
      ws.cell("A"+str(line_no+1)).value = float(val1) 
      ws.cell("B"+str(line_no+1)).value = float(val2) 

    # Doing this here will save the file after you process an entire file. 
    # You could save a bit more time and move this to after your walk statement - 
    # that way, you are only saving once after everything has completed 
    wb.save(filename = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]+".xlsx") 

在您回覆之前,我更多地更新了代碼,並且我完全按照您的說法進行了操作。在walk語句後移動了save。我猜這裏的根本問題是哪些進程更快:linecache或使用csv.reader。我會嘗試csv.reader並回復你。再次感謝。 – groovyrv


@groovyrv沒有問題。我沒有真正使用'linecache',但是從我所知道的來看,主要的好處來自於多次訪問文件(因此,緩存片 - 再一次,我可能完全錯誤)。該模塊的源代碼是http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/2.7/Lib/linecache.py,有一點很有趣的是,在第127行中,您可以看到爲了獲取信息,該文件實際上是打開的,使用'readlines()'。我相信這會支持多重訪問點 - 當您需要重複訪問來自同一(緩存)文件的行時,您會開始看到好處。 – RocketDonkey