public class TableThread
implements Runnable
private WebDriver driver;
private String thread;
TableThread(WebDriver driver, String thread)
this.driver = driver;
this.thread = thread;
public void run()
private String getTableRow()
System.out.println("start getting elements " + thread);
WebElement tableElement = driver.findElement(By.className("logo"));
String href = tableElement.getAttribute("href");
System.out.println("Table Att: " + thread + " " + href);
return href;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ExecutorService threadExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
TableThread tableThread = new TableThread(driver, "Thread " + i);
錯誤當設置this.driver = ThreadGuard.protect(驅動程序);
start getting elements
Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-1" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Thread safety error; this instance of WebDriver was constructed on thread main (id 1) and is being accessed by thread pool-1-thread-1 (id 26)This is not permitted and *will* cause undefined behaviour`
設置this.driver = driver時出錯;
Exception in thread "pool-2-thread-1" org.openqa.selenium.UnsupportedCommandException: Error 404: Not Found
Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-1" java.lang.ClassCastException: org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement cannot be cast to java.lang.String
你不應該這樣做。 ['WebDriver'不是線程安全的](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#Q:_Is_WebDriver_thread-safe?)所以這肯定會導致瘋狂的不可預知的行爲。 – acdcjunior
好的,所以更好的方法可能是嘗試減少css選擇器獲取表格的時間?是否有可能對driver.getPageSource進行保存,然後解析表,然後以某種方式使用'findElements(By.cssSelector());'來解析頁面源代碼? – bbarke
'慢'有多慢?這是*所有*你正在使用的代碼,哪部分是慢? – Arran