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<div><h2>TEAMMATES NOT SHOWING UP?</h2></div>
<div><h2>HARD TO BOOK ONLINE?</h2></div>
<div><h2>COME AND DOWNLOAD LETSPORT!</h2></div>
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<p>"Letsport" is a mobile application which helps you to find your sportmates. Besides, you can even book online! Download "Letsport" and enjoy!</p>
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// Anchor to the position
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$('#download_link').on('click', function(){
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$('#contact_link').on('click', function(){
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: contactSectionTopPosY});
你試過'position()'嗎? – Tushar
我試過位置(),不工作... –
此外,我的朋友們建議是因爲我混合了保證金和填充?它們將如何影響offset()。top? –