2013-08-27 23 views



class tags(models.Model): 
    """ This is the tag model """ 

    seo_url = models.URLField()             # SEO URL for mypromocodes.in 
    tagDescription = models.TextField()           # Tag Description 
    tag = models.CharField(max_length=200)          # Tag name 
    tagSlug = models.CharField(max_length=400)         # Extra info can be added to the existing tag using this field 
    updatedAt = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)        # Time at which tag is updated 
    createdAt = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)       # Time at which tag is created 
    hash = models.CharField(max_length=10,unique=True)       # Tag Hash for mypromocodes.in 

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs): 
     """Custom Save method for tags model """ 
     self.hash = _generateHash()             # Generate Hash for mypromocodes.in 
     self.seo_url = "promocodes-in-" + self.tagSlug.replace(".","-")    # Generate SEO URL for mypromocodes.in   
     super(tags, self).save(*args, **kwargs)  

    def __unicode__(self): 
     """Method to display string correctly""" 
     return unicode(self.tag) 

    def storeNames(self): 
     """Method to get store related to tag""" 
     for t in tags.objects.filter(tag=self.tag): 
      return ",".join([str(a.storeName) for a in t.stores_set.all()]) 

    def storeHash(self): 
     """Method to get store hash related to tag for mypromocodes.in""" 
     for t in tags.objects.filter(tag=self.tag): 
      return ",".join([str(a.hash) for a in t.stores_set.all()]) 

    def tagURL(self): 
     """Method to return tag URL for mypromocodes.in""" 
     return self.seo_url + _tagURL + self.hash 

    def couponsId(self): 
     for t in tags.objects.filter(tag=self.tag): 
      for a in t.stores_set.all(): 
       return ",".join([str(i.id) for i in a.coupons_set.all()])      

    class Meta: 
     """Meta class to control display Behavior of the Model name """ 
     verbose_name_plural = "Tags" 


class stores(models.Model): 
    """ This is the store model """ 

    seo_url = models.URLField()               # SEO URL for mypromocodes.in 
    storeURL = models.URLField()               # Store URL 
    fallBackURL = models.URLField()              # Fallback URL for couponURL   
    storeDescription = models.TextField()            # Store Description 
    storeTags = models.ManyToManyField(tags)            # All the tags associated with the store 
    storeName = models.CharField(max_length=30)           # Store Name 
    storeSlug = models.CharField(max_length=400)           # This is the text you see in the URL 
    updatedAt = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)          # Time at which store is updated 
    storeImage = models.ImageField(upload_to="images")         # Store Image 
    createdAt = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)         # Time at which store is created 
    hash = models.CharField(max_length=10,unique=True)         # Tag Hash for mypromocodes.in 
    storePopularityNumber = models.IntegerField(choices=PRIORITY_CHOICES,default=3)  # Store Popularity Number 

    def Store_Tags(self): 
     """Method to return tags related to store""" 
     return ','.join([t.tagSlug for t in self.storeTags.all()]) 

    def tagHash(self): 
     """Method to get tag hash related to store for mypromocodes.in""" 
     return ','.join([t.hash for t in self.storeTags.all()]) 

    def store_URL(self): 
     """Method to return store URL for mypromocodes.in""" 
     return self.seo_url + _storeURL + self.hash 

    def StoreCoupons(self): 
     """Method to return coupons related to store""" 
     for t in stores.objects.filter(storeName=self.storeName): 
      return ",".join([(a.couponTitle) for a in t.coupons_set.all()]) 

    def StoreCouponsId(self): 
     """Method to return coupons ID related to store""" 
     for t in stores.objects.filter(storeName=self.storeName): 
      return ",".join([str(a.id) for a in t.coupons_set.all()]) 

    def CouponsCount(self): 
     """Method to return coupons count related to store""" 
     for t in stores.objects.filter(storeName=self.storeName): 
      count = ",".join([str(a.id) for a in t.coupons_set.all()]) 
      count = count.split(',') 
      count = filter(None,count) 
      return len(count) 

    def StoreImage(self): 
     """Method to return store image for admin panel""" 
     return '<img src="%s%s" height="150" width="150"/>' % (MEDIA_URL , self.storeImage) 
    StoreImage.allow_tags = True 

    def StoreURL(self): 
     """Method to return store URL""" 
     return '<a href="%(url)s" target="_blank">%(url)s</a>' %{"url":self.storeURL} 
    StoreURL.allow_tags = True 

    def imageURL(self): 
     """Method to return store Image related to store""" 
     return HOST_NAME + "%s%s" % (MEDIA_URL , self.storeImage) 

    class Meta: 
     """Meta class to control display Behavior of the Model name """ 
     verbose_name_plural = "Stores" 

    def __unicode__(self): 
     """Method to display string correctly""" 
     return unicode(self.storeName) 

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs): 

     self.hash = _generateHash()              # Generate Hash for mypromocodes.in 
     self.seo_url = "coupons-in-" + self.storeName.replace(".","-")     # Generate SEO URL for mypromocodes.in   
     super(stores, self).save(*args, **kwargs)  

class coupons(models.Model): 
    """ This is the coupon model """ 

    couponURL = models.URLField()            # Special URL for coupon provided by vendor 
    couponDescription = models.TextField()         # Coupon Description 
    couponStore = models.ForeignKey(stores)         # Key of coupon to store  
    failure = models.IntegerField(default=0)         # Count of the number of times this has failed 
    success = models.IntegerField(default=1)         # Count of the number of times people have made it work 
    active = models.BooleanField(default=True)        # Coupon status active or not 
    couponCode = models.CharField(max_length=30)        # Coupon code 
    couponValue = models.CharField(max_length=50)        # Coupon value in Rs. 
    featured = models.BooleanField(default=False)       # Coupon status featured or not 
    updatedAt = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)       # Date on which coupon updated on 
    lastTested = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)       # When was the coupon last tested 
    addedOn = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)       # Date on which coupon added on 
    createdAt = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)      # Date on which coupon is created 
    couponTitle = models.CharField(max_length=100,default="")     # Coupon Title 

    def getCouponStoreName(self): 
     """Method to return store name related to coupons""" 
     return self.couponStore.storeName  

    def storeHash(self): 
     """Method to return store hash related to coupon for mypromocodes.in""" 
     return self.couponStore.hash 

    def couponStoreURL(self): 
     """Method to return store Hash related to coupon for mypromocodes.in""" 
     return self.couponStore.seo_url + _storeURL + self.couponStore.hash 

    def convertLastTestedToDate(self): 
     """Method to return convert lastTestedDtae format""" 
     return self.lastTested.strftime('%B %d %Y') 

    def storeImage(self): 
     """Method to return store Image related to coupon""" 
     return self.couponStore.imageURL() 

    def couponVote(self): 
     """This method returns coupons success %""" 
     returnVariable = int(float(self.success)/float(self.failure+self.success)*100) 
     return returnVariable 

    def commentCount(self): 
     """Method to return Comment count related to count""" 
     for t in coupons.objects.filter(couponTitle=self.couponTitle): 
      count = ",".join([str(a.id) for a in t.comments_set.all()]) 
      count = count.split(',') 
      count = filter(None,count) 
      return len(count) 

    def couponCommentData(self): 
     """This method returns comment data related to coupon""" 
     temp = [] 
     for i in coupons.objects.filter(id=self.id): 
      for y in i.comments_set.all(): 
       dataDict = {'comment':y.comment,'addedOn':y.addedOn,'userName':y.userName} 
     if temp: 
      returnVariable = sorted(temp, key=lambda k: k['addedOn'],reverse=False) 
      returnVariable = [] 
     return returnVariable 

    def __unicode__(self): 
     """Method to display string correctly""" 
     return unicode(self.couponTitle)  

    class Meta: 
     """Meta class to control display Behavior of the Model name """ 
     verbose_name_plural = "Coupons"   



做你認爲他們這樣做,因爲你一直把'內循環return'。 –




from django.db.models import Count 

sorted = coupons.objects.all()\ 


https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/writing-code/coding-style/ http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
