import praw
import time
import random
import pickle
#logging into the Reddit API
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent="Random Number machine by /u/---")
print("Logging in...")
r.login(---,---, disable_warning=True)
print("Logged in.")
wordsToMatch = ["+randomnumber","+random number","+ randomnumber","+ random number"] #Words which the bot looks for.
cache = [] #If a comment ID is stored here, the bot will not reply back to the same post.
def run_bot():
print("Start of new loop.")
subreddit = r.get_subreddit(---) #Decides which sub-reddit to search for comments.
comments = subreddit.get_comments(limit=100) #Grabbing comments...
for comment in comments:
comment_text = comment.body.lower() #Stores the comment in a variable and lowers it.
isMatch = any(string in comment_text for string in wordsToMatch) #If the bot matches a comment with the wordsToMatch array.
if comment.id not in cache and isMatch: #If a comment is found and the ID isn't in the cache.
print("Comment found: {}".format(comment.id)) #Prints the following line to console, develepors see this only.
#comment.reply("Hey, I'm working!")
while True:
用'json.dumps'將列表寫入文件 – Keatinge