2017-09-23 23 views

我需要「WHERE」來自變量或文本框,並且我很難用變量或文本框成功替換「IN PRODUCTION」。WHERE子句需要來自變量或文本框


Private da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Node as 'Node', BrandName as 'Make', ipaddress as 'IP Address', AssetNumber as 'Asset Number', AreaUsed as 'Location', " & "EthernetPortQtas 'Total Ethernet Ports', SfpPortQty as 'Total SFP Ports', EthernetPortsAvail as 'Total Ethernet Ports Available', " & 
           "SfpPortsAvail as 'Total SFP Ports Available', PortUsedForUplink as 'Ethernet Port Used For Uplink', UplinkConnectionID as 'Uplink Iternal ID', " & 
           "UplinkArea as 'Uplink Area', UplinkHome as 'Uplink Home', UplinkHomePanelandPosition as 'Uplink Home Panel and Position', " & 
           "UplinkHomeSwitch as 'Uplink Home Switch', UplinkHomeSwitchPort as 'Uplink Home Switch Port', " & 
           "LastVerifiedDate as 'Date Last Verified', LastVerifiedBy as 'Verified By', Status as 'Appliance Status' FROM tbl_Switches WHERE Status = 'IN PRODUCTION' ORDER BY Node", cs) 

第一件事,使用預覽窗口和格式工具欄,使代碼看起來像代碼。然後使用參數爲INSERTS,UPDATES和WHERE子句提供數據 – Plutonix




Private strSQL As String = "some connection string" 
    Private Sub GetSomeData() 
     Dim cn As New SqlConnection(strSQL) 
     Dim cmd As New SqlCommand With { 
      .Connection = cn, 
      .CommandType = CommandType.Text, 
      .CommandText = "Select Node as 'Node'...Where Status = @Status"} 
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@Status", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "Status").Value = cbStatus.Text ‘combo box text 
     Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) 






EthernetPortQt 「總以太網端口」

Option Strict On 
' I favor Infer On but suggest it off if you don't understand it 
Option Infer Off 

Public Class SampleDataOperation 
    Public Sub CallDemo() 
     Demo("IN PRODUCTION") 
    End Sub 
    Public Sub Demo(ByVal pWhereValue As String) 
     Using cn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection With {.ConnectionString = "TODO"} 
      Dim SelectStatement As String = 
         Node as 'Node', 
         BrandName as 'Make', 
         ipaddress as 'IP Address', 
         AssetNumber as 'Asset Number', 
         AreaUsed as 'Location', 
         EthernetPortQt as 'Total Ethernet Ports', 
         SfpPortQty as 'Total SFP Ports', 
         EthernetPortsAvail as 'Total Ethernet Ports Available', 
         SfpPortsAvail as 'Total SFP Ports Available', 
         PortUsedForUplink as 'Ethernet Port Used For Uplink', 
         UplinkConnectionID as 'Uplink Iternal ID', 
         UplinkArea as 'Uplink Area', 
         UplinkHome as 'Uplink Home', 
         UplinkHomePanelandPosition as 'Uplink Home Panel and Position', 
         UplinkHomeSwitch as 'Uplink Home Switch', 
         UplinkHomeSwitchPort as 'Uplink Home Switch Port', 
         LastVerifiedDate as 'Date Last Verified', 
         LastVerifiedBy as 'Verified By', 
         Status as 'Appliance Status' 
        FROM tbl_Switches 
         WHERE Status = @StatusCondition 
        ORDER BY Node 

      Using cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand With {.CommandText = SelectStatement} 

       cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StatusCondition", pWhereValue) 

       Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmd) 
       ' continue... 
      End Using 
     End Using 
    End Sub 
End Class