#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector <int> primes; //all the primes found
int theLimit = 10E5;
void sieve (vector <int> &primes, int theLimit); //declaring the function
sieve (primes, theLimit);
return 0;
void sieve (vector <int> &primes, int theLimit) {
const int SIZE = theLimit + 1;
bool oddNonPrimes[SIZE]; //the array that tells you that tells you if the number that represents the current index is a non-prime or not
for (int i = 0; i < theLimit; ++i) //setting all the array indicies to false
oddNonPrimes[i] = false;
for (int i = 3; i < theLimit; i += 2){ //start searching for primes,we start with the number 3 and check all odd numbers only
if (!oddNonPrimes[i]){
int currNum = i;
for (int factor = 2; currNum <= theLimit; ++factor){
currNum *= factor;
oddNonPrimes[currNum] = true;
currNum = i;
_「什麼可能導致Seg故障?爲什麼?」_您應該調試這個使用調試器來逐步通過。 – 2014-10-20 17:39:54
bool oddNonPrimes [SIZE]不是標準的C++,如果你想最終移植你的代碼,你最好去掉那個 – Creris 2014-10-20 17:40:48
在最內層循環中檢查「currNum」的值,因爲你實際上乘以內循環變量乘以外部循環變量,我非常確定「currNum」在某些點將比「theLimit」更大,從而訪問「oddNonPrimes」邊界之外。 – user1074069 2014-10-20 17:50:07