class (Eq k, Ord k, Show k) => KEY k where
keyBuild :: NumId -> NumId -> NumId -> k
keyDummy :: k
keyFromList :: [NumId] -> k
-- keyGenerate :: (DATAPOOL p) => p -> Int -> [k] -- p = Pool k e s
newtype PrimaryKey = PK (NumId, NumId, NumId) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance KEY PrimaryKey where
keyBuild k0 k1 k2 = PK (k0,k1,k2)
keyDummy = PK (0,0,0)
keyFromList is = keyFromList (take 3 (is ++ (replicate 3 0)))
keyGenerate p cnt = let
ks = keys p
pks = map (\l -> keyFromList (randomize l)) (replicate cnt 3)
in pks
let k1 = keyBuild 1 2 3
let k2 = PK (1,2,3)
k1 == k2
PK (1,2,3)
231:1: error:
• Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘it’
prevents the constraint ‘(KEY a0)’ from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘a0’ should be.
These potential instance exist:
instance [safe] KEY PrimaryKey -- Defined at Work
預期PK(1, 2,3) PrimaryKey派生(Eq,Ord,Show)所以我做錯了什麼或錯過了什麼?
NumId = Int在測試 – EntroKay