2013-07-18 27 views



using System; 
using System.Windows.Input; 

public class SimpleViewModel 
    private class MyExampleCommand : ICommand 
     public bool CanExecute(object parameter) 
      return true; 

     public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; 

     public void Execute(object parameter) 

     public override string ToString() 
      return "test"; 

    private ICommand exampleCommand; 

    public ICommand ExampleCommand 
      if (exampleCommand == null) 
       exampleCommand = new MyExampleCommand(); 
      return exampleCommand; 


    <TextBlock Text="{Binding ExampleCommand}"/> 


這裏有什麼問題? WPF是否真的根據聲明的返回它們的屬性的類型來區別對待對象?這是否可以解決,並且ICommand受影響的其他類型?






internal static IValueConverter Create(Type sourceType, 
            Type targetType, 
            bool targetToSource, 
            DataBindEngine engine) 
    TypeConverter typeConverter; 
    Type innerType; 
    bool canConvertTo, canConvertFrom; 
    bool sourceIsNullable = false; 
    bool targetIsNullable = false; 

    // sometimes, no conversion is necessary 
    if (sourceType == targetType || 
     (!targetToSource && targetType.IsAssignableFrom(sourceType))) 
     return ValueConverterNotNeeded; 

    // the type convert for System.Object is useless. It claims it can 
    // convert from string, but then throws an exception when asked to do 
    // so. So we work around it. 
    if (targetType == typeof(object)) 
     // The sourceType here might be a Nullable type: consider using 
     // NullableConverter when appropriate. (uncomment following lines) 
     //Type innerType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(sourceType); 
     //if (innerType != null) 
     // return new NullableConverter(new ObjectTargetConverter(innerType), 
     //         innerType, targetType, true, false); 

     return new ObjectTargetConverter(sourceType, engine); 
    else if (sourceType == typeof(object)) 
     // The targetType here might be a Nullable type: consider using 
     // NullableConverter when appropriate. (uncomment following lines) 
     //Type innerType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(targetType); 
     // if (innerType != null) 
     // { 
     //  return new NullableConverter(new ObjectSourceConverter(innerType), 
     //         sourceType, innerType, false, true); 
     // } 

     return new ObjectSourceConverter(targetType, engine); 

    // use System.Convert for well-known base types 
    if (SystemConvertConverter.CanConvert(sourceType, targetType)) 
     return new SystemConvertConverter(sourceType, targetType); 

    // Need to check for nullable types first, since NullableConverter is a bit over-eager; 
    // TypeConverter for Nullable can convert e.g. Nullable<DateTime> to string 
    // but it ends up doing a different conversion than the TypeConverter for the 
    // generic's inner type, e.g. bug 1361977 
    innerType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(sourceType); 
    if (innerType != null) 
     sourceType = innerType; 
     sourceIsNullable = true; 
    innerType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(targetType); 
    if (innerType != null) 
     targetType = innerType; 
     targetIsNullable = true; 
    if (sourceIsNullable || targetIsNullable) 
     // single-level recursive call to try to find a converter for basic value types 
     return Create(sourceType, targetType, targetToSource, engine); 

    // special case for converting IListSource to IList 
    if (typeof(IListSource).IsAssignableFrom(sourceType) && 
     return new ListSourceConverter(); 

    // Interfaces are best handled on a per-instance basis. The type may 
    // not implement the interface, but an instance of a derived type may. 
    if (sourceType.IsInterface || targetType.IsInterface) 
     return new InterfaceConverter(sourceType, targetType); 

    // try using the source's type converter 
    typeConverter = GetConverter(sourceType); 
    canConvertTo = (typeConverter != null) ? typeConverter.CanConvertTo(targetType) : false; 
    canConvertFrom = (typeConverter != null) ? typeConverter.CanConvertFrom(targetType) : false; 

    if ((canConvertTo || targetType.IsAssignableFrom(sourceType)) && 
     (!targetToSource || canConvertFrom || sourceType.IsAssignableFrom(targetType))) 
     return new SourceDefaultValueConverter(typeConverter, sourceType, targetType, 
               targetToSource && canConvertFrom, canConvertTo, engine); 

    // if that doesn't work, try using the target's type converter 
    typeConverter = GetConverter(targetType); 
    canConvertTo = (typeConverter != null) ? typeConverter.CanConvertTo(sourceType) : false; 
    canConvertFrom = (typeConverter != null) ? typeConverter.CanConvertFrom(sourceType) : false; 

    if ((canConvertFrom || targetType.IsAssignableFrom(sourceType)) && 
     (!targetToSource || canConvertTo || sourceType.IsAssignableFrom(targetType))) 
     return new TargetDefaultValueConverter(typeConverter, sourceType, targetType, 
               canConvertFrom, targetToSource && canConvertTo, engine); 

    // nothing worked, give up 
    return null; 



這是真的,但爲什麼WPF首先查看聲明的屬性類型?它不應該只是看看實際返回的內容嗎? –


已編輯。 InterfaceConverter的行爲與其他行爲不同。這是來自C#4.0源代碼。所以我最初的答案是有點關閉,更多的是因爲Type.IsInterface將爲不同的聲明屬性類型返回不同的值。 – MrDosu


我注意到的一件有趣的事情是,如果我將屬性聲明爲「MyExampleCommand」(預先設置「public」類型),則該按鈕仍然爲空。如果'MyExampleCommand'不再實現'ICommand',則正確調用'ToString'。這是如何相關的,也就是說爲什麼實現一些在Propery聲明中沒有直接提到的接口會改變什麼? –
