@interface UITableView (VisibleSections)
// Returns an array of NSNumbers of the current visible section indexes
- (NSArray *)indexesOfVisibleSections;
// Returns an array of UITableViewHeaderFooterView objects of the current visible section headers
- (NSArray *)visibleSections;
@implementation UITableView (VisibleSections)
- (NSArray *)indexesOfVisibleSections {
// Note: We can't just use indexPathsForVisibleRows, since it won't return index paths for empty sections.
NSMutableArray *visibleSectionIndexes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.numberOfSections];
for (int i = 0; i < self.numberOfSections; i++) {
CGRect headerRect;
// In plain style, the section headers are floating on the top, so the section header is visible if any part of the section's rect is still visible.
// In grouped style, the section headers are not floating, so the section header is only visible if it's actualy rect is visible.
if (self.style == UITableViewStylePlain) {
headerRect = [self rectForSection:i];
} else {
headerRect = [self rectForHeaderInSection:i];
// The "visible part" of the tableView is based on the content offset and the tableView's size.
CGRect visiblePartOfTableView = CGRectMake(self.contentOffset.x, self.contentOffset.y, self.bounds.size.width, self.bounds.size.height);
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(visiblePartOfTableView, headerRect)) {
[visibleSectionIndexes addObject:@(i)];
return visibleSectionIndexes;
- (NSArray *)visibleSections {
NSMutableArray *visibleSects = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.numberOfSections];
for (NSNumber *sectionIndex in self.indexesOfVisibleSections) {
UITableViewHeaderFooterView *sectionHeader = [self headerViewForSection:sectionIndex.intValue];
[visibleSects addObject:sectionHeader];
return visibleSects;
NSArray *visibleRows = [self.tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows];
NSMutableIndexSet *sections = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
for (NSIndexPath *indexPath in visibleRows) {
[sections addIndex:indexPath.section];
NSMutableArray *headerViews = [NSMutableArray array];
[sections enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
UIView *view = [self.tableView headerViewForSection:idx];
[headerViews addObject:view];
注意:未經測試的代碼 - 可能包含拼寫錯誤。這對分組樣式表不起作用。
我真的很喜歡@ adamsiton的解決方案,我最終將其轉換成快捷。這是FYI。
我叫做文件的UITableView + VisibleSections.swift
import UIKit
public extension UITableView {
var indexesOfVisibleSections: [Int] {
// Note: We can't just use indexPathsForVisibleRows, since it won't return index paths for empty sections.
var visibleSectionIndexes = [Int]()
for i in 0..<numberOfSections {
var headerRect: CGRect?
// In plain style, the section headers are floating on the top, so the section header is visible if any part of the section's rect is still visible.
// In grouped style, the section headers are not floating, so the section header is only visible if it's actualy rect is visible.
if (self.style == .plain) {
headerRect = rect(forSection: i)
} else {
headerRect = rectForHeader(inSection: i)
if headerRect != nil {
// The "visible part" of the tableView is based on the content offset and the tableView's size.
let visiblePartOfTableView: CGRect = CGRect(x: contentOffset.x, y: contentOffset.y, width: bounds.size.width, height: bounds.size.height)
if (visiblePartOfTableView.intersects(headerRect!)) {
return visibleSectionIndexes
var visibleSectionHeaders: [UITableViewHeaderFooterView] {
var visibleSects = [UITableViewHeaderFooterView]()
for sectionIndex in indexesOfVisibleSections {
if let sectionHeader = headerView(forSection: sectionIndex) {
return visibleSects
extension UITableView {
/// The table section headers that are visible in the table view. (read-only)
/// The value of this property is an array containing UITableViewHeaderFooterView objects, each representing a visible cell in the table view.
/// Derived From: [http://stackoverflow.com/a/31029960/5191100](http://stackoverflow.com/a/31029960/5191100)
var visibleSectionHeaders: [UITableViewHeaderFooterView] {
get {
var visibleSects = [UITableViewHeaderFooterView]()
for sectionIndex in indexesOfVisibleSections() {
if let sectionHeader = self.headerViewForSection(sectionIndex) {
return visibleSects
private func indexesOfVisibleSections() -> Array<Int> {
// Note: We can't just use indexPathsForVisibleRows, since it won't return index paths for empty sections.
var visibleSectionIndexes = Array<Int>()
for (var i = 0; i < self.numberOfSections; i++) {
var headerRect: CGRect?
// In plain style, the section headers are floating on the top,
// so the section header is visible if any part of the section's rect is still visible.
// In grouped style, the section headers are not floating,
// so the section header is only visible if it's actual rect is visible.
if (self.style == .Plain) {
headerRect = self.rectForSection(i)
} else {
headerRect = self.rectForHeaderInSection(i)
if headerRect != nil {
// The "visible part" of the tableView is based on the content offset and the tableView's size.
let visiblePartOfTableView: CGRect = CGRect(
x: self.contentOffset.x,
y: self.contentOffset.y,
width: self.bounds.size.width,
height: self.bounds.size.height
if (visiblePartOfTableView.intersects(headerRect!)) {
return visibleSectionIndexes
- (NSArray *)indexesOfVisibleSections {
NSMutableArray *visibleSections = [NSMutableArray array];
for (UITableViewCell * cell in [self.tableView visibleCells]) {
if (![visibleSections containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self.tableView indexPathForCell:cell].section]]) {
[visibleSections addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self.tableView indexPathForCell:cell].section]];
return visibleSections;
並訪問剖面圖, ü可以使用
- (UITableViewHeaderFooterView *)headerViewForSection:(NSInteger)section;
不包含不包含單元格的標頭 – kgaidis 2016-04-12 01:54:08
@kgaidis你有沒有測試過它?這裏的邏輯是它得到可見的單元部分,不管它是什麼類型的,所以如果你有3個部分,每個部分都有1行,那麼它檢查可見的行數組,並且獲取這些行部分並將其添加到可見部分的數組中,它與節頭類型,視圖或單元無關 – Mortgy 2016-04-17 11:11:06
「每個都有1行」。那是失敗的地方。一個部分可以存在,並且標題視圖可見,它沒有單元格。如果一個部分沒有單元格,那麼它將不會是'visibleCells'的一部分,這是該算法完全依賴的。 – kgaidis 2016-04-17 13:23:32
tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows.map{ tableView.headerView(forSection: $0.section) }
- 1. 如何添加帶有下標的表格視圖節標題?
- 2. 表視圖節頭標題
- 3. Watir - Chrome - 如何檢索所有不可見的「li」條目?
- 4. 如何在UITableView上浮動所有節標題視圖(或保持全部可見)?
- 5. 表視圖標題索引
- 6. 如何檢索所有視圖狀態列表
- 7. 是否可以錨定表視圖標題(不是節標題)
- 8. Java - 如何檢索所有的鉻標籤細節?
- 9. 顯示錶節標題的節標題和自定義視圖
- 10. 如何檢測圖層中所有可見的精靈?
- 11. 滾動,但直到標題可見在Android的列表視圖
- 12. 如何使排序圖標可見GWT中的所有列
- 13. 如何在顯示錶格後檢索UITableView節標題的標題?
- 14. 問題:表視圖頂部的其他視圖不可見
- 15. 檢索所有視圖對象,android
- 16. 如何從Laravel的視圖中檢索所有模型數據?
- 17. 如何檢索所有可用的Finder標籤?
- 18. 動畫表格視圖節標題
- 19. 列表視圖和章節標題
- 20. 高度列表視圖 - 所有行可見
- 21. 如何獲取Android圖庫中可見視圖的索引?
- 22. 檢查表格視圖單元格的部分索引標題
- 23. 檢索表格視圖單元格中的標籤的所有孩子價值
- 24. 表視圖不可見
- 25. UISplitView:細節視圖不可見
- 26. UiAutomator檢查視圖的可見性
- 27. NSURLSession如何檢索只有標題?
- 28. 如何在列表視圖中一次全部動畫所有可見圖標,在按鈕上按
- 29. 如何檢索sqlite數據庫的所有數據到一個列表視圖?
- 30. 如何識別節標題視圖的節號
如果該部分沒有行 – 2013-11-06 15:36:57
@PeterLapisu不起作用不起作用但您不應該爲沒有行的部分顯示節標題,所以這不會成爲問題。 – rmaddy 2013-11-06 16:30:50
取決於的情況下,我剛剛遇到這種情況:)) – 2013-11-06 20:39:10