function Student(_firstName, _lastName, _t1, _t2, _t2){
this.firstName = _firstName ;
this.lastName = _lastName ;
this.test1 = _t1 ;
this.test2 = _t2 ;
this.test3 = _t3 ;
this.fullName = function() { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName } ;
this.calcAverage = function() { return (this.test1 + this.test2 + this.test3)/3 } ;
var name1 = prompt("Enter the first name:") ;
var name2 = prompt("Enter the last name:") ;
var te1 = parseInt(prompt("Enter the first test score:")) ;
var te2 = parseInt(prompt("Enter the second test score:")) ;
var te3 = parseInt(prompt("Enter the third test score:")) ;
var person = new Student(name1, name2, te1, te2, te3) ;
document.write(+name1+ " " +name2+ " " + person.calcAverage() +) ;
這是什麼呢?你在控制檯中有任何錯誤嗎? – krillgar
你有很多錯誤。參數名稱是雙重的,document.write有不必要的'+'符號。 – com2ghz