Scenario: Person is new and needs an email
Given a person
And the person does not exist in the repository
When I run the new user batch job
Then the person should be sent an email
Scenario: Person is not new and needs an email
Given a person
And the person does exist in the repository
When I run the new user batch job
Then the person should not be sent an email
Scenario: Email batch job is run
Given a person
And the person '<personDoes/NotExist>' exist in the repository
When I run the new user batch job
Then the person '<personShould/NotGetEmail>' be sent an email
| !notes | personDoes/NotExist | personShould/NotGetEmail |
| Exists | does not | should |
| No Exist | does | should not |
Scenario: Email batch job is run
Given a person
And the person does exist in the repository (is '<personExist>')
When I run the new user batch job
Then the person should be sent an email (is '<sendEmail>')
| !notes | personExist | sendEmail |
| Exists | false | true |
| No Exist | does | false |
你目前有10個測試...看起來並不像很多,除非測試本身有很多步驟 - 如果它們確實有很多繁瑣的步驟,我們可能能夠將測試按摩成形,以便表格和場景概述變得過度。你可能會發佈一個實際測試作爲一個例子(最複雜的測試?),並突出變體測試中的變化? – perfectionist 2012-01-28 07:54:12