import java.util.Scanner;
public class RPSS{
//Main method
public static void main(String[ ] argc)
Scanner tnt = new Scanner(System.in);
String computerHand; // string variable for computer choice
String userHand; // string variable for user choice
// do loop begining
computerHand = computerHand();
userHand = userHand();
String winner = getWinner(computerHand, userHand);
System.out.print("User picks" + userHand);
System.out.println("Computer picks " + computerHand);
System.out.println("play again?");
String answer = tnt.next();
//Condition for the do-while loop HERE IS THE ERROR LOCATION
}while (!answer.Equals("No") && (!answer.Equals("no"))); //condition for while loop
String answer = tnt.next();
public static String userHand(){ //method for users choice in the game
//prints message to user giving them choices
System.out.println("Lets play rock paper scissors");
System.out.println("1. Rock ");
System.out.println("2. Paper ");
System.out.println("3. Scissors ");
int userChoice; // user choice variable in this method
Scanner tnt = new Scanner(System.in); // creates instance of scanner class
userChoice = tnt.nextInt(); //reads user input
return getChoice(userChoice); //returns user choice to master choice
public static String computerHand() //method for computer generated choice
int computernum = (int)(Math.random() * ((3) + 1));
return getChoice(computernum);
public static String getChoice(int num) //method recieving both computer hand and user hand
// if statements to place the correct choice
String choice = "";
if (num == 1){
choice = "rock";
else if(num == 2){
choice = "paper";
else if(num == 3){
choice = "scissors";
return choice;
// Method determing the winner
public static String getWinner(String computerChoice, String userChoice)
computerChoice = computerHand(); //places computerChoice variable in computerhand
userChoice = userHand(); //does same for user choice
String winner="";
System.out.println(" the comp chose" + computerChoice);
if (userChoice.equals("Rock") && computerChoice.equals("Paper")){
System.out.println("The computer"); }
else if (userChoice.equals("Paper") && computerChoice.equals("Scissors")){
System.out.println(" The computer wins");
else if (userChoice.equals("Scissors") && computerChoice.equals("Rock")){
System.out.println(" The computer wins ");
else if (userChoice.equals("Rock") && computerChoice.equals("Paper")){
System.out.println(" The computer wins ");
if (userChoice.equals(computerChoice))
System.out.println(" There is no winner");
return winner;
*「我很想解釋爲什麼我得到一個nextString()是未定義的掃描儀」* - 因爲它是。看看[Scanner的JavaDocs](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Scanner.html),看看你能否'nextString' – MadProgrammer
問題'getWinner'只返回值'if(userChoice.equals(computerChoice))',沒有其他條件返回任何類型的值 – MadProgrammer
你真的希望我們計算行數嗎? – shmosel