// insert the new object after the node p
void DoublyLinkedList::insertAfter(DListNode &p, int newobj) {
if(isEmpty()) {
throw EmptyDLinkedListException("Empty Doubly Linked List");
DListNode *newNode = new DListNode();
newNode->obj = newobj;
newNode->prev = &p;
newNode->next = p.next;
if (p.next != NULL) {
p.next->prev = newNode;
p.next = newNode;
if(&trailer == &p){
trailer = *newNode;
// insert the new object before the node p
void DoublyLinkedList::insertBefore(DListNode &p, int newobj){
if(isEmpty()) {
throw EmptyDLinkedListException("Empty Doubly Linked List");
DListNode *newNode = new DListNode();
newNode->obj = newobj;
newNode->prev = p.prev;
newNode->next = &p;
if(&header == &p){
header = *newNode;
if (p.prev != NULL) {
p.prev->next = newNode;
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
cout << "On list2 insert 15 after 80. " << endl;
DListNode location = *dll2.getFirst()->next->next;
dll2.insertAfter(location, 15);
cout << "list2: " << dll2 << endl << endl;
On list2 insert 15 after 80.
list2: 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
// add tests for insertAfter
cout << "On list2 insert 15 after 80. " << endl;
DListNode location = *dll2.getFirst()->next->next;
dll2.insertAfter(location, 15);
cout << "list2: " << dll2 << endl << endl;
cout << "On list2 insert 9 before 80. " << endl;
dll2.insertBefore(location, 9);
cout << "list2: " << dll2 << endl << endl;
On list2 insert 15 after 80.
list2: 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
On list2 insert 9 before 80.
list2: 100 90 9 80 15 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
「if(&p == NULL)」 - 指針可以爲null,但對象的地址永遠不能爲null,這裏的&p是現有對象的地址。 –
啊好吧我會改變我拋出異常的措辭。謝謝你, – K22
凱特,一般來說,我們在代碼中發現錯誤的方式並不是通過真正想到它。它甚至沒有向其他可能更難以思考的人展示代碼。我們在代碼中發現錯誤的方式是使用調試器。我猜想有人可能最終會出現誰能夠指出你的代碼中的錯誤,但是如果你只是使用了你的調試器,那麼你將節省很多時間(並且學到了非常有價值的技能)。 –