2017-08-31 60 views


ts/components/Schedule.ts(37,13): error TS2322: Type '{ personWeekView: PlanItemScheduleView; projectWeekView: PlanItemScheduleView; r...' is not assignable to type 'Map'. Property 'personWeekView' is incompatible with index signature. Type 'PlanItemScheduleView' is not assignable to type 'IPlanItemScheduleView'. Types of property 'onAddedItem' are incompatible. Type '(item: T, initial: boolean) => void' is not assignable to type '(item: T, initial: boolean) => void'. Types of parameters 'item' and 'item' are incompatible. Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'PlanItem'.

ts/views/PlanItemScheduleView.ts(2,18): error TS2420: Class 'PlanItemScheduleView' incorrectly implements interface 'IPlanItemScheduleView'. Types of property 'onAddedItem' are incompatible. Type '(item: T, initial: boolean) => void' is not assignable to type '(item: T, initial: boolean) => void'. Types of parameters 'item' and 'item' are incompatible. Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'PlanItem'.

ts/views/PlanItemScheduleView.ts(99,79): error TS2345: Argument of type 'this' is not assignable to parameter of type 'IControllerListener'. Type 'PlanItemScheduleView' is not assignable to type 'IControllerListener'. Types of property 'onAddedItem' are incompatible. Type '(item: T, initial: boolean) => void' is not assignable to type '(item: T, initial: boolean) => void'. Types of parameters 'item' and 'item' are incompatible. Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'PlanItem'.


namespace Planning { 
    export interface IPlanItemScheduleView extends IView, IControllerListener<IPlanItem> { 
     setTimespan(timespan: Timespan): void; 
     getName(): string; 
namespace Planning { 
    export interface IControllerListener<T> { 
    * Notifies the listener that an item is added to the cache so it can add it to its view. 
    * @template T 
    * @param {T} item 
    * @param {boolean} initial 
    * @memberOf IControllerListener 
    onAddedItem<T>(item: T, initial: boolean): void; 

namespace Planning { 
    export class PlanItemScheduleView<T extends PlanItem> implements IPlanItemScheduleView { 

     public onAddedItem<T extends PlanItem>(item: T, initial: boolean): void { 
      // implementation that needs properties on PlanItem 


// Create the different views 
    this._views = { 
      personWeekView: new PlanItemScheduleView<Person>(this._options, this._logger, this), 
      projectWeekView: new PlanItemScheduleView<Project>(this._options, this._logger, this), 
      resourceWeekView: new PlanItemScheduleView<Resource>(this._options, this._logger, this), 





export interface IControllerListener<T> { 
    onAddedItem(item: T, initial: boolean): void; 
export interface IPlanItemScheduleView<T extends IPlanItem> extends IControllerListener <T> { 

export class PlanItemScheduleView<T extends PlanItem> implements IPlanItemScheduleView<T> { 
    public onAddedItem(item: T, initial: boolean): void { 
     // implementation that needs properties on PlanItem 



這使得onAddedItem不太安全的,因爲你的建議我可以給onAddedItem提供不同來源的類型,而不是縮小它下降到僅在施工時間,這實際上是使用通用/模板類的原因提供了一個類型的。 – Huupke


您的版本不限制比傳遞給類類型的更多類型。你是說,你想onAddedItem接受PlanItem派生的類型,但不PlanItem本身 –


是,在personWeekView實例的情況下,我想只有一個人是參數的類型,而不是任何其他派生PlanItem類型。 – Huupke