2012-11-30 98 views


Ruby (Rack) application could not be started 
These are the possible causes: 

There may be a syntax error in the application's code. Please check for such errors and fix them. 

A required library may not installed. Please install all libraries that this application requires. 

The application may not be properly configured. Please check whether all configuration files are written correctly, fix any incorrect configurations, and restart this application. 
A service that the application relies on (such as the database server or the Ferret search engine server) may not have been started. Please start that service. 

Error message: 
Could not find activesupport-3.2.8 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) 



錯誤信息非常明確,activesupport 3.2.8和大概Rails 3.2.8未安裝,主機是否支持Rails 3.2.8? –


哦,我看到了,我需要驗證一下,我該如何降級? – Jseb


我試過在dreamhost上使用rails,它是一個**噩夢**。我強烈建議使用VPS,而共享主機不像框架那樣適合快速移動。 –



您看到此錯誤的原因是因爲bundler無法找到activesupport gem。很可能你已經在本地安裝了Rails 3.2.8,而bundler正在搜索系統寶石並且無法找到它。

您應該可以通過bundle install --deployment解決此問題。


gem env將顯示它們當前設置的內容。

export GEM_PATH=/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 
export GEM_HOME=~/.gems 
export PATH=~/.gems/bin:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin:$PATH 

bundle exec rails console還應該讓你知道什麼是失敗。


我在哪裏運行我的機器或服務器上的命令? – Jseb