我有以下疑問: 考慮以下幾點:是否有可能sccessing WCF服務操作的子集
/* My service is formed by several subservices
(subfunctionalities). Here is functionality 1 */
public interface IMySubService1 {
int MyOp11(string opnd);
int MyOp12(stirng opnd);
/* My service is formed by several subservices
(subfunctionalities). Here is functionality 2 */
public interface IMySubService2 {
int MyOp21(string opnd);
int MyOp22(stirng opnd);
/* My service is formed by several subservices
(subfunctionalities). Here is functionality 3 */
public interface IMySubService3 {
int MyOp31(string opnd);
int MyOp32(stirng opnd);
/* My server will implement a complex great
service made of the previously introduced subservices. */
public interface IMyService : IMySubService1, IMySubService2, IMySubService3 {
// Implementing the service
public class MyService : IMyService {
行!直到現在,沒有什麼奇怪的! 我的服務將託管在服務器上,我很高興:) 服務託管(例如)在svc文件上,但請記住服務是IMyService
現在讓我們來看看: 在我的客戶端,我想創建一個客戶端,以便訪問我的服務的子集。鑑於我的服務是三個子服務的使用,我只想訪問一個子服務。
ServiceEndpoint httpEndpoint = new ServiceEndpoint(
new BasicHttpBinding(),
new EndpointAddress("http://tempuri.org/MyService.svc/ServiceCall")
ChannelFactory<IMySubService1> channelFactory =
new ChannelFactory<IMySubService1>(httpEndpoint);
IMySubService1svc = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
/* Calling methods in IMySubService1 */
int i1 = svc.MyOp11("A string");
int i2 = svc.MyOp12("Another string");
int i3 = svc.MyOp11("And another string");
int i4 = svc.MyOp12("In the end a string");
int i5 = svc.MyOp11("The final string");
你試過了嗎?如果它不起作用,你會得到什麼錯誤? – carlosfigueira 2011-06-01 15:49:34
對不起,這只是一個好奇...我沒有嘗試:P – Andry 2011-06-01 16:01:55
嗯,只是試試吧,它不應該花很長時間:) – carlosfigueira 2011-06-01 16:50:00